Ten Facts One Lie Challenge: Did you catch me @c0ff33a ☕️ out?

I really enjoyed doing this challenge, it really makes you think about what you will put into your post and I enjoyed remembering past events to share. I was also overwhelmed with the comments on this post, thank you so much everyone that took the time to comment and suggest which of my facts might be the lie - it made for fascinating reading and I enjoyed looking through every reason. Special mention goes to @hazem91 who pointed out 10 Facts and 1 Lie = 11 - I had to sit and think for a while about that one!


I have to first thank @kaerpediem for tagging me into this challenge, having enjoyed reading other people's posts it was nice to have the opportunity to create my own. I did end up randomly tagging a big selection of people, without taking the time to double check if they had done it before or not - some had of course but I will try to make the time to check through all new or old because it can reveal quite alot about your amazing Steemit friends.

So now let's recap on each of my fact's - and find out which one was the lie!

Ten Facts and One Lie


When I was 7 I was fascinated by my uncle's Ferrets he kept in cages at the back of his house, one visit I sneaked off to look at them and decided it would be a really good idea to encourage them out of their little houses in the pen by sticking my finger through the pen netting. My Uncle came running in response to my screams to find a ferret securely clamped to my little digit. Needless to say I never poked my finger into the Ferret cages again!

This is a fact, it did actually happen and I learnt from that mistake to never poke my finger towards animals again. I still like ferrets though, just have a little more respect for them. Sorry @molometer and @kaerpediem you were wrong.


Growing up with a farming family when I was young, when I was 10 I held a light bulb in my right hand and then held an electrified Cow Fence that sends an electric pulse every few seconds that stops the cows pushing through the fence even though it is relatively flimsy. The result was the light bulb flashing with with the electric pulse as my body transferred the electric pulse to the light bulb.

This is the one that caught the most people out, and surprisingly it is the truth! Yes, this did actually happen and no I do not have pictures or video to prove it. I can however explain the theory at least, first off for this to work you need to be wearing something on your feet that is an insulator - being on a farm where cow's are not too fussy about where they empty their bowels I had some good quality rubber wellies on. Because rubber will not conduct electricity, it means that the pule transferred from the electric fence can not go anywhere so when I was touching it all I felt was a little tingle - because I presented no path to earth it continued on it's normal joinery on the metal fence wire. Cow's are in direct contact with the earth through their hooves - and so when they touch the fence the power charges to earth giving them a shock in the process - hence they stay well away from from these fences. I don't know how the bulb trick works, after all I was only 8 but it did happen - my uncle (of ferret fame) passed me the bulb and I have no idea if there was anything special about it - but it certainly did light up when the power pulse passed through the fence. Being a good Uncle, he also wanted me to learn about what happens when electricity is earthed - so he had me let go of the electric fence, and swap the bulb for a metal fence pole he had rammed into the soil. Then I had to hold the fence wire again - the next pulse of power caused what I could only describe as a Big Bang in my head - the metal pole I was holding earthed the electric so I got the full kick of the electric fence charge! Of course these fences are just designed to discourage animals not kill them - but I stayed well away from them after that experience.
So @edthecanadian , @dmcamera , @redheadpei, @hazem91 , @cecicastor, @thekitchenfairy , @debralee , @thealliance , @bluemoon and @bearone sorry you were all wrong


While on a Snowboarding trip with University, the French Ski Resort of Le Plagne had a fresh fall of powder snow the night before we were due to travel home. The bus back was due to leave the resort at 2pm, and I headed out at 9am to get a few hours of Snowboarding in before we left. Everyone else I was with stayed back to pack up and be ready chilling in the town centre before we left. After a few runs I caught a chair lift with a local Snowboarder, he only spoke a little English and I speak no French - but I got the idea when he said "Like powder runs". He took me on the most amazing off Piste areas of the Mountain surfing the fresh powder, it was the best part of the whole week but I lost track of time and he took me a long way from the main Ski Area. I made it back to the bus, grabbing my bag on the way with minutes to spare before it left and still in full Snowboarding gear! I had to change on the coach.

Totally true this one, and quite ironic as that was the best days snowboarding of the entire week. Sometimes luck just happens, and how things fall into place by themselves can be unbelievable.


As a teenager I went on long Bike rides with with a few of my school friends, on one trip we followed a Canal towpath for many miles. One of my friends asked to have a go on my new BMX bike I had recently received for a Birthday present - of course I said yes and we were racing down the tow path when he clipped one of the mooring poles with the BMX pedals that through him off onto the tow pan and my shiny new BMX went sailing straight into the Canal..sinking to the watery depths. Fortunately it happened near to a lock gate that had a supervision building with some punting poles to align the barges. Using the poles we managed to hook up my BMX from it's watery grave and all was not lost after all. I didn't lend my bike out to anyone after that though!

Also true, although even I find it hard to believe - that my friend managed to crash and not fall in the canal - amazing, that the bike went in the canal and we somehow fished it out again - incredible! Sorry @zen-art this one was true.


In my late Teens I went to visit a friend at his University near Liverpool, we caught a coach to a nightclub which was out of the town he lived in some 10 miles. It had been a long day and as the night drew on I went out one of the fire exits for fresh air, sat on the stairs I must have fallen asleep. I woke up at dawn, the club was closed and the coach gone! Apparently they had looked for me at the end of the night, decided I had "got lucky" and gone home with someone and headed off without me. I made it back to his accommodation at 1pm the next day, it was an interesting walk and I didn't divulge to him and his friends what really happened 😉

Totally true this one as well, Students and parties always a heady mix. Fortunately I had paid enough attention to the route going to this isolated nightclub to be able to find my way back as this was long before the days of mobile phones that had maps on! And ordering a taxi was right out because - well I had no way of doing it. I did have enough cash in my pocket still to grab some drinks and food from small stores I passed.


In my early Twenties I got a puncture while driving on the motorway, fortunately I managed to pull over onto the hard shoulder and change the wheel myself for the spare in the car. While finishing my journey back home my legs became very itchy, when I got home and checked my legs I had multiple ant bites (and a few ants still) on them - in my haste to change the wheel I had not realised I was stood in the region of an ant nest and while I was rushing to change the wheel some angry ants had been climbing into my trousers.

Totally true, to be fair this was one of two occasions in the twenty odd years of driving I had to change a tyre. It was a long time ago and on my first car a Ford Escort, nowadays I would not even think of trying to change a tyre - in fact my current car (and last one) does not have a spare just an inflation kit to get you to the garage. Sorry @saffisara , @longsilver and @mikesthoughts you were wrong, but I know why you chose this one 😉


I have been making YouTube videos since October 2009, and have had 66,300 views since then. The totals earnings in that whole time is less then one post I make on Steemit 🤔

Goes without saying this one is true, and you all have @old-guy-photos for dragging me here from YouTube. Sorry @silverd510 this one is true


I have lived in four main areas of the UK from Birth, Starting in the North, then I moved to the South West, Back North to Yorkshire and a short while in the Midlands in Stoke on Trent.

True, I have lived around the UK all my life which is why I have no real discernible accent - it's a mixture of various dialects that most people describe as "posh" Sorry @katrina-ariel this is not a lie


While I like writing and sharing pictures, I have no ability with technology and create all my Steemit content with my trusty iPhone - one day I hope to expand my horizons and learn more about these fangled technologies you all call "computers"

What a complete and utter lie! I really thought I made this far too easy to spot, but it seems my completely random life experiences appeared for more unbelievable then the actual truth. Keen followers might remember my Steemit behind the curtain post where I shared my work desk of MacBook Pro and Apple Cinema Display, and then an evening picture of Steemit on my Apple MacBook Air. And then I did the full series of posts about building a Gaming PC for my boy - the Green Machine which despite my lack of cable management is a devastating piece of gaming technology with a GTX 1070 graphics card packing 16gb Ram that runs even the most demanding games smooth as silk. Congratulations to my winners @robertandrew , @felobtc , @snook and @steemflow you all spotted my blatant lie. Expect some sort of generous reward to be heading your way over the next week.


While you might all know me more for my terrible photography and #SublimeSunday tag, I actually make a living out of roasting and selling coffee both commercially and to domestic customers.

Well at least you all know me well enough to agree my photography is terrible!

I really enjoyed this one, and thank you so much everyone that took the time to leave a comment - very much appreciated.

Some of my previous posts you might have missed

Sublime Sunday

The C0ff33 Vlog 29th April 2018
Ten Facts and One Lie by @c0ff33a ☕️

Kind thanks to @enginewitty for employing his Ninja graphic design skills and producing this 🔥 banner

If you enjoyed my post don’t forget to leave an Upvote, feel free to comment on what you liked or where I can do better even. Follow @c0ff33a for regular and varied posts, photography, my weekly VLOG, posts on coffee roasting and brewing - just follow and see.

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All photos are my own, taken with my iPhone. All my steemit posted pictures can be freely used by other Steemit users in their own blog posts - all I ask is that you follow me and credit @c0ff33a linking to my post you took it from. You can also follow me on Twitter

The picture to the right kindly sketched by the wonderful @bridget.art , be sure to check her incredible art out @bridget.art

The greatest challenge we face on Steemit is getting our posts seen, I have always believed the simplest and best value way of doing this is by commenting on the blog posts of others, the more you engage people and interact with them the greater the chance they will visit your own blog and return to the favour.

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