My first game entry - "Thank You For Being" - Quinn Eaker!!!!

I'm excited to play this "Thank You For Being" game.

Life is really much better when we have people in our lives we appreciate.
You too can play, just check the guidelines from my most recent post here.


There is no better place to begin with my first THANK YOU FOR BEING post,
than to dedicate it to the Being for whom I have the utmost admiration, and who has dedicated his entire existence to making the world a better place for all living creatures, every moment of every single day.  Including ME!!!!!  

@quinneaker - this one's for you!!!

My life has changed forever by your presence.  
You are my hero, my living inspired example,, and my ever-love!
(Yes every, Quinn gave me my awesome name!)

Your unwavering dedication to freedom, responsibility, consciousness, in continuous creation of the best life possible, and  sharing that with me and  the world is priceless!  I admire how you live so true to your values, even in the most intense and potentially damaging circumstances. 

 You've opened my heart to what unconditional love really feels like and helped me to wake the fuck up!!

By now, most people here know that we live at the sustainable eco-village you founded, the @gardenofeden, with about 17 others (present count).  Thank god you are at the core of everything that happens in our community--who better to have our backs?  I know I can trust you with my life!

Thank you for taking care of the finances for all of these people (and feeding another 40,000 free meals every year), including all the facets of our ethical merchantry realities, festivals, conferences, catering, crypto currency dealings, and other brilliant ideas you've turned us on to along the way -- like Steemit!!  

Thank you for juggling the incredibly intense task of dealing with the physical realities of communal living, managing our home, land, garden, building of sustainable realities and answering to all the media and inquiries of those interested in what we do, while still engaging the simple things of life.

Simultaneously, you are the best parent I have EVER known, and I'm honored to be witness to the magnificence of you raising your 3 adorable children with honor and the utmost respect for their divinity.   I love how you have created and manage an account for  @qiqi-power's  presence  here on Steemit.   I hope people will feel the magic!!!

I know there is a LOT required in running an operation of this magnitude, especially the demands of  dealing with all the inhabitants, their relationships, feelings, ideas, expectations, limitations and baggage that comes with being alive on this planet.   Your master alchemist skills have saved me too, while you turn trash into treasure and hold space for all of us to heal!!  Thank you for not giving up on me!

 It's been nearly a decade of this unwavering dedication,
and you've touched and changed the lives of thousands of people in the process. 


I've never known anyone so alive, capable and responsible as you.  You give me hope in humanity!

I'm ever astounded by your mastery of well-being,  
and all the insights you've shared through your book  Full Spectrum Health.

I have had incredibly intense, life-shattering times with you.  Some of my worst, heart-crushing moments, and some of my deepest heart blossoming experiences, have been with you.  And for certain my most profound encounters have been through your being a catalyst for awakening, and holding space for evolutionary growth!


I could go on and on and on and on about you and how about how appreciative I am for your presence in my life. For now I'll just share with everyone else one of my recent posts that gives some insight into greater depths of the magnificence you have to share.  Also, I've written about my master training, which has truly benefitted me beyond words.

The words "I love you" seem so minuscule in the value of eternal love.  Consciousness is a priceless gift, and I don't know how I will ever repay you for all you have done for and given to me.  May I at least be able to pass on some of the wisdom you have shared with me, and may my life continue to be blessed to have you in it.



I hope Quinn and all of you will take this opportunity to write a love letter
to someone you truly appreciate, and share it here on Steemit.
Gratitude is a powerful energy that will amplify our experience in ways unimagineable.

Please join me in thanking someone for being.

Thank You For Being game invitation.


Ok, may just another quick gush...
I love your sense of humor.
I love your style.
I love the sounds that flow through you.
I love how you share the truth with people.
I love how you love!

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