6/2/2020 Entry to the Steemit Diary Game - Social Distancing

Hello everyone! This is my next entry for the 100 days of Steem Diary challenge. I apologize if this seems rushed, but it has been a long day, and I have a church meeting tomorrow morning. While I am tired, I really enjoyed today.

My Life

I woke up at 8am today because of how early I went to bed last night. I have felt a lot happier recently, and I actually wrote a few bars of music this morning. I find it promising work, and hope to turn it into a prelude for this week's service.

The first thing I did was shower. After showering, I wrote the Harry Potter discussion post. After writing that, I wrote my diary entry. Yesterday was a really good day, and I was really happy to record it.

Around 10am, social media noticeably blew up with the BlackoutTuesdayTrend. I did not see the point of this at all. It does not inform people of anything, and it only creates clutter in people's feeds. While I obviously agree with the ideas that everyone should be treated equally in America, and that injustice needs to end, I don't want spam like this to become common because it is counterproductive. As a result, I posted a message to my followers that I would be unfollowing anyone who posted it for the day. I will refollow them tomorrow, but it is disrespectful to participate in mass spam, and I want that view to be clear. I did not unfollow people who used the hashtag to actually spread information.

Around 11am, I began getting ready to go to my high school to have a social distanced picnic with my friends, and my girlfriend (whom I sat next to). The picnic was really fun. I got there at 11:30, but it started at noon. We talked for over four hours, and it was the first time seeing each other in a good while. We also ate lunch, and I had a turkey sandwhich. It was good. Today was nice, and I look forward to seeing them again. Here is a picture I got with my beautiful girlfriend. I will definitely shave one of these days.

When I got home from that, I showered again. Around 6pm, my father and I went to the bank. When we got home, I read through some Steem posts, though I need to do a better job of reading through them tomorrow. Around 8:15pm we ate dinner. We had steak, and lactose free mac and cheese. As always, it was good because my mother made it.

At 9pm, we watched Twilight Zone the Movie. I really enjoyed it. It was quite good just like the show. One thing that I found disappointing was that there was a reference to a specific episode that just didn't seem to pan out. There were a lot of clever references that we got though!

I then came upstairs and wrote this post. I hope to compose a fair amount tomorrow. It is my last "free" day. Thursday we have a senior celebration parade, and Friday is a virtual graduation ceremony.

Good night! Enjoy the night, or the day for my friends here living in Asia!

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