5 TRIVIA OF THE WEEK: Did You Know that Most Dust in Your House Are Made of Dead Skin? Etc...

Since that most articles that I have read are about news, cryptocurrencies, memes, photos & ect., I thought of posting some collection of trivia. I gathered this Fun Facts from different sources. Hope you enjoy!

Did you Know logo.dib

by coinbelly

And here are my 5 trivia for this week.

by streetsmartbrazil.com

The name Brazil is an abbreviated type of Terra do Brasil, place that is known for Brazil, a reference to brazilwood, given in the mid-sixteenth century to the regions rented to the shipper consortium drove by Fernão de Loronha for business misuse of brazilwood for the creation of wood colors for the European material industry. 

Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_of_Brazil

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by gifmania

The red shading we find in pictures of Mars is the consequence of iron rusting. Shakes and soil on the surface of Mars contained a clean made generally out of iron and little measures of different components, for example, chlorine and sulfur. The stones and soil were disintegrated by wind and the tidy was passed up antiquated volcanoes. Late confirmation focuses on the fine clean additionally being spread over the planet by water, went down by the nearness of channels and conduits over the surface of Mars. 

Ref: https://www.spaceanswers.com/solar-system/why-is-mars-red/


This is one of those "Eww! Net!" tidbits that sound extremely logical however, isn't generally valid. At times a particular level of clean is said to be skin, ordinarily around 70 or 80 percent, however, unless you're a shedding winged animal or reptile (or you work in Dr. Frankenstein's lab), next to no of your condition is made out of dead body parts. 

Ref: http://www.news.dm/did-you-know-most-dust-particles-in-your-house-are-made-from-dead-skin/

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As the diversion turned out to be more well known, patio playing zones started to be altered into indoor courts, where the ball was as yet played off the dividers. After uncovered hands were discovered excessively awkward, players started utilizing a glove, at that point either a glove with webbing between the fingers or a strong oar, trailed by webbing connected to a handle—basically a racquet. Elastic balls were still hundreds of years away, so the ball was a wad of hair, fleece, or plug wrapped in string and fabric or cowhide, at that point in later years, hand-sewed in feeling to look something like an advanced baseball. 

Ref https://www.athleticscholarships.net/history-of-tennis.htm

by coinbelly

The root elements of each word are literally multiplied together to create the anniversary name. For example, the word sesquicentennial (an anniversary of 150 years) is broken down as sesqui- (1½) x centennial (100 years). Sometimes new anniversary names are coined incorrectly by adding the root elements rather than multiplying them, with unfortunate results. 

Ref: http://www.mtpulaskiil.com/175th/quartoseptcentennial_def.htm

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