New Names and Faces


This post will contain several pictures and most (if not all) of the ones I took are not professional quality. This past weekend was about engaging with the STEEM community beyond what you see on your screens. If this bothers you, look away. Real life happens, and it happens here in Tennessee.

1.jpgPhotograph taken by @liberty-minded

The Last Day

Was pretty amazing with @katrina-ariel and I and our respective offspring. If you recall, this all took place last Wednesday. Yes, I did see @katrina-ariel again over the weekend at the Tennessee Steem Meet, and that's really what this post is about. Feel free to go read her perspective and experience, it's pretty enlightening. But, I have a few pictures yet I want to share on that day and then we'll get into the meat of the meet.


Friday's Fun

Friday was my day to do an episode of Hots or Shots with @jonny-clearwater. @katrina-ariel rode with and kept me company on part of the road trip. We arrived around some time while the sun was up high above us and waited as they got the set ready. During our wait, we got to meet several other STeeMPeePS that were already there. I didn't get many pictures that day as I was focused on learning more about the people and had my time consumed by other things. Was a heck of a day though, and heard some stories about other shows that had taken place in a kaleidoscope's view...



First priority was swooping up @sircork. Once accomplished, we set course and headed to the house to join the witness chat with those that were attending on @shadowspub's server. There were a few complications and it didn't go as I had hoped, but meeting more new faces was a treasure. After we were all done getting situated and introductions had taken place, we tried our best to maintain excitement and participate in Another Successful Witness Chat.

I had to meet everyone. @flowerpowerart (Heather), who is Nick's (Jonny's) wife, stayed mostly in the background both days with the kids, but I did get a chance to chat with her briefly about her shower heads. Your boy was cracking me up though looking for Bigfoot. I also want to give a huge thank you to @liberty-minded for being behind the scenes with the lens throughout all of this. Most appreciated my man and next time we all get together in August, be sure you have some fishing gear with ya ;)



She was already there waiting for us. Love this lady and her husband, Scott, came along as well. Good cat, we had a chat about coins and his interests. He really likes the paper currencies. First thing though, I had to give her a big hug. She gives good hugs, very hugglesome. They stayed the whole day, even on into the after party of the final Hots or Shots episode where I was coerced into taking a shot myself. But, she joined me, @sircork and @jonny-clearwater to kick off the evening's hootenanny. That's Tennesseean for party. LOL



She showed up with a dog. Cute little brindle doggie. His name was Adam. I didn't get to talk to her much, but did find a few minutes to sit with her on the porch swing and chat. Mostly about her aging companion and how he came into her possession. Poor little fella. Ya know Barbie, I'd of taken him home with me too. How could you not? Good dog though, he went for a walk with Katrina and I around the property later that day.



This was a new face to my realm. Didn't know him from Adam (ha ha - good pun right?) Very interesting fellow though. For some reason, I kept thinking his name was Donovan. I grew up with a Donovan that looked very similar to him, even had tattoos all over himself so I guess that was the association. And this guy, has some stories about them. You ever get a chance, ask him about the Tommy-Gun ;)


@freedompoint & @freedomtowrite

Yeti and Lola. This guy is a gentle giant, and he maintained that big jolly smile from when I met him Friday on into the evening as they departed Saturday. I was honored in two ways meeting them. One (and you can see the precursor below), I was asked to do an interview with him, and two, I got to meet Lola! Who is Lola you ask? Well, @freedomtowrite has taken a new twist to @mariannewest's #freewrite prompts and have incorporated them into a story, which I very much enjoy. The main character's name is Lola. So, I got a little treat meeting her. Look forward to seeing them again, good people for sure.


I was excited to meet this cat. I'd heard from Rhonda he was a goodfella and supported @thewritersblock as a witness pretty heavily. He is only one of a handful of witnesses that had gained my vote through word of mouth assurance. And for good reason as I learned when I talked to him. He believes firmly that the STeeM blockchain is, though in its infancy, one of the greatest to be conceived. Like myself and several others, he is looking for ways to incorporate SMT's as they become a reality. Good luck with the rest of your classes btw bud, and see you again soon!



I have waiting to meet you for quite some time sweets. Also was good to meet Alhen, he seems like a good cat. This was a great day for her and hopefully rekindled some of that passion for Steemit. She got there at the perfect time while @lukestokes and @sircork were heavy in the middle of a heated debate about problems and solutions with Steemit. Mostly, it was about Cork's attitude, which I'll be honest, was frig'n hilarious seeing and hearing the exchange. As I was hoping she would, she interjected her brilliant mind into the conversation and Luke took notice. Very happy you got to come hun, we will see you again soon too!



This guy. You are a riot my man. He has a very unique personality I was not expecting to meet and, as such, was one of the new faces I had the pleasure of associating with. Little did I know, he also does a show and asked me to do an interview with him. Great guy to work with. I didn't get the same disclaimer like some of the people I watched him discuss things with, but I'm pretty sure he could tell I was an open book. Intuitive, I say that because he read me pretty well and in a conversation we had, he showed me mad respect, so respect given, respect due my man. See you again soon too.



This was a phenomenal encounter. I tried to make it a point to get a little one on one with everyone I met there, just to learn who they are and more about them. I did not know this guy was from Nashville! Not until a week prior to actually meeting him. Sure, I'd heard the name, seen a few posts, but honestly, didn't know anything about him. We have quite a bit in common actually, hailing from Tennessee, raising kids, being witnesses, and our love for cryptocurrency. It provides a freedom most will never know. We went on about different coins, primarily got to talking about EOS and how that's going to impact the crypto-realm. Good guy though, really like him. Anytime you want to get up, feel free to let me know man.


Of all the people that I met there, I think I related to him the most. Don't think this is some kind of suck-up, because I had no clue who he was until he told me. But he was calm and collected, reserved in his conversation, much like myself. Turns out, Rick used to be a witness. He's one of those old school STeeMPeePs. I think we've both led similar lives and he knew that too so we clicked real well. We also had our STeeMiT birthdays Saturday! My 1 year and his 2 year. Oh and thanks for helping me get Cork to the truck. I aim to be talking to you much more on certain things and really look forward to getting up with you again in August.



The day started and ended with this guy. No, you were not very coherent by the way. And tree hugging is great! I love trees too, but I think you had a little extra love for that tree I'm not sure I could muster. It was your best friend. LOL! But I like this guy, native Tennesseean, articulates his thoughts well, and holds true to his form on and offline. Hell, he even threw down and grilled for us in grand Tennesseean style. Not sure exactly what pictures I should and shouldn't share here, so I'll just pick a couple of my favs. See ya soon buddy!



Thank you for following me to help get Cork out of the truck and safely into his aunt's house. This whole thing happened because of your visit. Was amazing getting to know you and your kids and sharing some quality time together. And a huge hug and much gratitude for pulling out Cork's guitar and playing some songs for us. I'll close this post with one last picture and the video I was lucky enough to capture of one of your songs. STeeM oN my peoples and like everyone that was met over the weekend being themselves and just having a good time enjoying life, REMEMBER TO BE YOU.



Witnesses at the Meetup:

@snook made this badass gif

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