Why I Want to Be an Ally: my application to #TheAlliance

Filling steemit with quality content is everyone’s responsibility. It takes a village.


Hi, I’m Lily. I’m an artist, writer, community organizer, and creative consultant who believes that creating quality content is never an accident: it’s the product of intelligent effort, habitual practice, and a willingness to be vulnerable.

My desire to produce, curate, and absorb high-quality content, within a radically inclusive community on steemit, has led me to #TheAlliance. For those of you who don’t know, #TheAlliance is a community on steemit dedicated to making and curating exceptional content while supporting their network like family. If you keep reading, and decide you want to join, the first step is heading to their Admissions Office where you will be given instructions to submit your application!

How did I find The Alliance?

I’ve been on steemit for just 16 days. So far it’s been a wild and wonderful experience. A lot of my time has been dedicated to finding people whose work I really like and engaging them, then seeing whose work they really like, and expanding my search from there.

One account I ran across a few days in was @ameliabartlett -- a fellow theatre-maker who also has stories to tell about living in a converted bus! I’ve been following her work and today she posted a terrific article about the lessons she’s learned her first month on the platform. In the post, she mentioned #TheAlliance and I went down a rabbit hole of discovery.

One of the first things I did was read their latest Eyes On post, which gave me access to loads of Alliance accounts and authors--all of who have one thing in common--beautiful, professional, engaging posts! One of my favorite finds was an article on Canadian Ice Racing (woah, FUN!) by @edthecanadian.

Why do I want to join The Alliance?

After 16 days on the platform I’m off and running. I have nearly 200 followers, I’ve had a post be voted over $90, and I’ve been contributing content every day. However, it’s all unsustainable without a community...a family...on the platform. I’ve been finding pockets of wonderful people everywhere here, from @markrmorrisjr and the @dolphinschool bootcamp initiative, to all the folks behind #teamgirlpowa, #isleofwrite, and #steemsugars.

Every community I’m a part of enriches my experience on the platform. As I read about #TheAlliance, and their tight-knit structure, it sounded like the right fit for me, as someone who wants to combine quality content and community!

How will I be a valuable member of The Alliance?

Since day one I’ve been engaging with steemit every day. That’s not to say I won’t go on vacation someday (I will!), but my intent is to post daily content that has to do with my work and passions. I’m sure everyone feels this way about their blog; but I give it my all to create sleek formatting, include beautiful pictures, and write candidly about my experiences.

My engagement is not only in posting, I have made the commitment to commenting on every comment, on every post on my blog! I read articles I like and upvote/comment them. As I get to know accounts I pop back over regularly to see what they’re up to and offer support for their most recent articles. As a member of #TheAlliance this is the kind of connection you can expect from me.

Professionally, I am an artist and community organizer. I run large, crowd-sourced social media campaigns as part of my day-job. Connecting to people authentically online, and bringing a community together in digital space is something I spend a lot of time thinking about already. I’m very excited to bring that passion to #TheAlliance as I find more and more ways for me to contribute to the steemit world.


Hi friend! Thanks for stopping by, I’m really glad you’re here!

I’m an artist, writer, and creative consultant based in the Pacific Northwest. I see steemit as an incredible asset to artists and creatives as a way to share their work and connect with like-minded people. You can check out my intro post, read more about the theatre projects I work on, or follow me! I’m especially interested in finding other performing artists on this site. If that’s you, please say hello! See you around the steemosphere! @lilyraabe


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