The Alliance - Acknowledged: The Joki Master

#thealliance Joki Master @michaeldavid.jpg

Name: @michaeldavid AKA The Docta

Class: Joki Master

Fealty: #thealliance

Bio: Acknowledgement of #thealliance

The world was breaking down prior to X40L1N embarking on his quest and things only escalated from there. Earth had erupted into an all out true World War. It literally appeared that every person was in it and looking out for themselves. Greed reigned and the meek of heart were easily swept aside and out the door. This was not a place for anyone anymore, without some kind of training to excel in. There was no real government in place upon his return, merely more powerful unions and forceful factions which only strengthened the need for his alliance to form and give solace to those that had none. Immediately after landing, he was forced into battle and drawn to one individual in particular.

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It was obvious right away that this individual was placed before him by no accident. There is no coincidence, that train of thinking is only for the foolish and ignorant. This man on the savage battlefield espied him from the corner of his eye and seen the pure intention so turned his back to The Juyo Deity, knowing it would be protected. At the sight of this, X40L1N engaged with this new unknown 'ally' and they fought valiantly back to back for several hours before finally overcoming the horde of 'Hadish'.

The Hadish appeared shortly before X40L1N left for Zyngroptha. They got their name due to them being 'hellbent' on destroying pretty much anything. Hellspawn. Hades' children. They especially desired to eradicate knowledge for knowledge itself, is true power. Libraries, internet servers, and mainframes were their main targets and they had a taste for human flesh. They were controlled by an evil hive mind that X40L1N had yet to discover. It would appear then, that he may have found his first ally in this war. And so the two traveled together, neither saying a word, to a nearby tavern.

Pointing toward the window, the man said to him, "Sometimes I volunteer over there."

X40L1N remained silent.

"My name is Michael, Michael David. The locals call me 'The Docta'."


A long silence ensued as they replenished their bodily fluids and watched the city burn.

X40L1N finally spoke as he felt they had relaxed to a point of understanding. "If this is going to work, we will need to be a team. We must form an 'alliance'. I have seen your skill, and know already - you would be a valuable and integral part in the rise of a once again, sturdy civilization. But know you this, if you accept my offer to be an ally, there is a task you must complete."

"Name it, it shall be done. The world needs us. No task is too small" replied Michael.

With those words, X40L1N sent the young Joki Master to take his ship and instructed him to depart for Zyngroptha. "I'll handle things here until you return...if you return."

Michael looked over his shoulder and cracked a coy grin, "I will be, you can count on it."

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This was the first time The Docta had ever been off-world. The different pulls of gravity and celestial radiation had an unprecedented effect on his unique genetic sequence and in his meditations on the journey, he noticed strange things began to happen. Unsure if it was a focused dream state he 'imagined' or reality twisting from the disorientation of space travel, he just accepted it with a grain of salt. Patiently awaiting his landing, he saw the planet itself was in turmoil. Not like his own planet earth, but his intuition fed him the notion of a recent attack or raid on the planet. He cautiously got off the spacecraft and began exploring this new (to him) geological masterpiece. No sooner than he did, he was grabbed by a voracious and extremely aggressive vine! It drug him across the wayside and he began to feel something swell within his core...

#thealliance The Docta new powers.jpg

Was this the true power of Joki? The forbidden art Masutāfeisubukku spoke of? Or was this something new entirely? Either way, it flowed through him freely and his body and mind both willingly accepted it. His meditation was no dream. So inspiring. He felt so full of knowledge, like he had just absorbed the entire batch file for every reference and history book ever written. The vile vine that was gripping his legs released it's thorny grasp and slowly began to inch away into the darkness from whence it came. Now the real search began... for the Brood Mother Chericleps.

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"PULL IT OUT!" She screamed. The Docta approached weary of her state, fight or flight mode in full force. He gently grabbed the blade's hilt and drew it from her bloody body with precision. "Say nothing, I know why you're here. Take one, they're right behind me." She went on further to explain what had happened as it always does every millenia or so. How a new Deity appears and the planet's balance is shifted. How she can no longer control the evil from seeping in and infecting the normally tame wildlife. It happened much faster this time and caught her by surprise as some of the eco-system evolved at a dramatically alarming rate. A band of Freignts (Frog People) had come to steal her eggs and one landed a lucky strike before she devoured their souls.

Seeing her wounds, The Docta's new found skill acted on its own and shot from his fingertips toward her. He was frightened, not knowing if this was an attack or what. The look on her face however, was accepting, as the expected impact was delivered. As if by magic, her gashes and injuries were healed by the blast of light. "Now go, tell him...tell him I love him." And with that, he trekked toward to the ship, never looking back.

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Not much had changed while he was gone. It appeared as though there was a bit of a safe zone outside the city, which is where the homing beacon on X40L1N's ship took him. He saw his ally sitting by an old temple, one which he knew well himself. The comfort zone was established as he approached X40L1N. Not many seen him in his true form.

"Sit, I believe you have something for me."

Reaching into his satchel, The Docta pulled the egg from its secured pillowed vessel and handed it to X40L1N. "She loves you, you know."

The Deity nodded his head in agreement and welcomed the sound of the long since heard words. "You now acknowledge #thealliance, and I made a gift for you."

Michael looked surprised, and was astonished, speechless, and honored as X40L1N handed him a new sword.

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The Alliance - Advent: The Juyo Deity

Witness: The Birth

written by: @enginewitty - X40L1N: 'The Mad Scientist'

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