MIRI’s mission - Keep AI Safe

Our mission statement is to “ensure that the creation of smarter-than-human artificial intelligence has a positive impact.”

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While stumbling around the internet, I’ll spare you the details, I found MIRI (Machine Intelligence Research Institute) and learned they are working to make sure we have safe smarter-than-human AI.

“MIRI is a research nonprofit funded primarily by small and medium-sized donors.”

Top Donors include:

  • Thiel Foundation - a private foundation funded by Paypal co-founder and venture capitalist Peter Thiel.

  • Jed McCaleb - developer of the Ripple and Stellar currency exchange systems.

  • Jaan Tallinn - Skype and Kazaa developer and co-founder of the existential risk institutes FLI and CSER.

  • Loren Merritt - x264 video codec library developer.

Additional Source

Also I learned that MIRI has invested in Ripple (XRP).

Finally, if you are interested their goal is:

Our goal as a field is to make better decision-making systems. And that is the problem. […If] you’re going to build a superintelligent machine, you have to give it something that you want it to do. The danger is that you give it something that isn’t actually what you really want — because you’re not very good at expressing what you really want, or even knowing what you really want — until it’s too late and you see that you don’t like it.

So what do you know?

Did you know this already or are you just learning about these things in place to make sure AI is safe?

Bonus Update: Any ideas to connect STEEM with Ai or MIRI?


Written by Michael Paine

Follow me @strangerarray because I like steemit.

Donations to PayPal.Me/michaelpaine are also welcome because I got a MBA I have to pay for soon.

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