Time Travel 101 - Letter to my 80 year old self

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@ericvancewalton’s post
inspired some of us to write a letter firstly to our 20 year old self and then to our 80 year old self! It’s been quite a challenge for me personally. I actually stopped running for a while and became a tad introspective in the process :)

@honeydew on the other hand wrote a truly wonderful letter to her 50 year old self, I hope she’s going to do one for her 80 year old self, although that still is a long way off ;)

For me on the other hand, who thought I was over the hill when I hit the 20s; my goalposts have been changing as I have quite a number of decades under my belt already :)

Eighty still is some time away, but is starting to wink at me, bidding me closer. I find it no longer is such a scary thought.
The wise young @honeydew already understands at her tender age that age is but a number.
My gray hairs no longer matter, as my spirit still feels young, but sadly some of the bodily parts are in need of tender loving care, and a bit of an overhaul!

Excuse the digression, but here is the letter to eighty year old me:

Dear Eighty year old me,

So you thought you could change the world and everyone would see what you were seeing through those rose tinted spectacles?

I do hope you listened to your younger self and read all those books you’ve been collecting.
Are you still playing the piano like I told you to? Has your music collection grown even more?

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Importantly, have you learned to slow down yet? I doubt it, unless you were forced through ill health, heaven forbid!
I hope you are still meditating as you very well know the benefits both physically and mentally.

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Do you still try to attend most live shows that come to town?
I certainly hope there are more of those these days in laid-back Durban, or are you now living somewhere else? Followed the fledglings perhaps?

I truly hope that you're not alone, and that your dearest Arthur is still around.

Have the children taken away your car keys yet? They will hear from me if that day ever comes along!

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Do you need a walking stick yet?
If the children have bought you one, do use it; you don’t want to break another ankle, nor ever have to go for a hip replacement!

I pray that you eventually did become a granny; maybe a little girl, although a boy would be equally fantastic!
I hope one or both of the fledglings have helped making this dream a reality.
Above all I hope that both your sons have fulfilled all their dreams and aspirations as well.

Did you get around to investing in bitcoin as @deanoza advised, he certainly did not let that opportunity pass him by!
I sincerely hope you did not dawdle on that too long!

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I do hope the world is a better place now, but here is a reminder of one of your favorite quotes:

An inscription on the tomb of an Anglican Bishop in Westminster Abbey (1100 A.D.)

"When I was young and free and my imagination had no limits,
I dreamed of changing the world.
As I grew older and wiser, I discovered the world would not change,
so I shortened my sights somewhat and decided to change only my country.
But it, too, seemed immovable.
As I grew into my twilight years,
in one last desperate attempt,
I settled for changing only my family, those closest to me,
but alas, they would have none of it.
And now, as I lie on my deathbed,
I suddenly realize: If I had only changed myself first,
then by example I would have changed my family.
From their inspiration and encouragement,
I would then have been able to better my country,
and who knows, I may have even changed the world."

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I love you and hope that you’re still trying your utmost to apply this in the changing world you now live in.

Much love,
64 year old me

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Letter to my 20 year old self

Images: chriskavas.com & pixabay.com
Gifs: giphy.com
Quote: https://issuu.com/agii6/docs/coaching_mentoring_and_managing_-_a

Original content by @lizelle
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