The old street ancient town – Chongqing CiQiKou 古镇老街-磁器口

Ciqikou, Chongqing Ancient Town was built in the Song Dynasty, which has the history of 1800 years. This is a photo which I took last year. There are many beautiful sceneries which are gathered in this antique historical and cultural street.


Ciqikou is named by its production and transportation of porcelain due to the early years of the Qing Dynasty. It is the important the Waterway Port along Jialing River. There is a poem: "thousands of people in the daytime submissively, millions of lights shone brightly after nightfall . so you can imagine how busy it was at that time.

If you go to Chongqing, I advise you to go to Ciqikou to have a look. Here you can find Bayu ancient relic , old teahouse, historical heritage and pier culture, and you can also enjoy the famous food the Duck Blood in Chili Sauce, thousands of skins, pepper and peanuts and so on .

"A stone road, the Millennium ancient town -Ciqikou, it is attracting the tourists from home and abroad to come to visit by its strong vitality.

重庆古镇-磁器口,建于宋朝,距今有1800多年的历史。这是我到磁器口古镇拍的一张照片。这里有多条老街, 人文荟萃,风景优美,是不可多得的古香古色的历史文化老街。

磁器口因清朝初年,生产和转运瓷器而得名。它是嘉陵江边重要的水路码头,有诗云:“白日里千人拱手,入夜后万盏明灯” 可见当时之繁华。

如果你到重庆, 一定要到磁器口看看,这里有古朴粗犷的巴渝遗风,有古风犹存的茶馆、有历史传承的码头文化,还有有享誉四方的毛血旺、千张皮、椒盐花生等饮食三宝,任你品味,任你选购。


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