This is my Travel Journal! ✈️ | Visiting Colombia

   So by now you know I'm in Pamplona, Colombia visiting my boyfriend @cafeyarepas. Pamplona's a nice, cute little town close to the state's capital, Cúcuta. This state limits with Venezuela, so it's common to hear and see my people walking around here - not that it's uncommon in Panama haha.

   Well, I knew I'd be crafty in my time here, so I brought all my supplies: my markers, pens, pencils and journals. I also brought a little book composed of blank postcards. Given that I haven't sent a letter since I was 9 (in Venezuela and Panama the postal service isn't that well defined) this postcard booklet has been accumulating dust in my closet for lack of use. 

   When packing for Colombia I had an epiphany: I was going to use these postcards as a travel diary. I would write on it everyday and tell it of Celso's and my adventures in Pamplona. I also wanted to add a simple drawing on each day to add a bit of an artistic touch to it. That I did. 

Here are our postcards so far:

As you can see, the line in the middle works as a perfect divider between Celso's account and mine.

We both tell our day from our own perspective.

Sometimes, he would add something different that only he saw or remembered. Sometimes I would.

We would write on these everyday at night. If we were too tired, we'd leave it for the next day and do two in one sitting.

It's very fun to read his view and comments on things. I've laughed so much reading his account of the same day I lived through. 

   We've had loads of fun doing this everyday. If you wish, when the trip is done, I can do an update on our travel journal. I recommend doing this dynamic 100%. I'm someone who remembers numbers and dates particularly well, but I can't remember what colour panties I'm wearing right now (they're white, I checked 🤣 ). That's why I wanted to do this. I know I can go back to this journal in the future and relive my trip through both our eyes.




   Hope you liked this little piece of my trip. If you ever travel, make your own, you'll have wonderful, genuine memories of your adventures! Suggestions, requests, opinions? Leave them in the comments   💬 

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