Damned if You Do, Damned if You Don't? - The System, Bot Services, Solutions and 'Work, Work, Work'


I’m sure some of you have read my previous post about the 'alternative solution' for minnows:

Reality Check, the Game & Crowd Behavior - My Analysis and Proposed Solution to My Dear Followers

I also stated there how I see self-upvote / vote buying like a shameless selfie for Instagram or Tinder. I don't even have any of these. I'm not even active on Facebook for the past 2 months, and my real life friends are wondering what I have been up to these days!

But recently I have been reading about some things going on around here with regard to the whalebots:

I'm going to do a little investigation into the down voters who do so for purely dislike, and other reasons as well as their connections to other accounts and popular "services". by @dwinblood

I am honestly torn between the two now:

  • Investing your money in whalebots to power up = get some return on investment

  • Not encourage ‘bad behavior’.

I admit that I recently became a customer of these whalebots. I don’t have a lot of sp yet but I want to get some return on investment and not be whale-dependent. I also want to get some of my messages out there to spread awareness about travel. And I love to have the power to upvote some quality content of my followers.

At the same time, I don’t see the difference between people having the capacity to buy STEEM for steem power and those people doing 'self-upvote' / investing some STEEM to power up or get their posts seen. Surely, minnows became tired of becoming whale-dependent and just found a temporary solution to the system. Especially now that there are more new users and the content just gets drowned easily.

But thanks to the efforts of content curators like @ocd which I have been relentlessly promoting everywhere, as they are seeing the undervalued posts of some talented writers. I had been once nominated here. They have been a great motivator for new writers to stay and not be discouraged. New writers are essential both for steemit's growth and for the whales to have some proper content to curate. It's win-win for everyone here.


I am always open to changes and not hardening my beliefs. What I have been doing is first for my own benefit (of course!), second for the greater good. I have nothing against people getting rich, it is good for everyone actually. Of course, I want to be a whale! Imagine living the life you've been dreaming of, defying the system and having the power to help the others? Especially if wealth is acquired through hard work, and without stealing and exploiting others.

Of course, with all the support of my followers, I am able to power up now, and eventually, I’m going to be a content curator (earning from it for myself), and use the power to spread awareness and to bring the undervalued posts to the top. As I said in my previous post, making money for myself as a result of persistence makes me happy. Helping and making others happy makes me happier.

Why do I think this way?

When I have traveled, a lot of people helped me along the way. I even owe my life to some people. These people have something, have nothing or just those with human spirit to help those in need. I'm not gonna say here I did everything on my own, without these people, I would probably be not alive here. Pay it forward

I am not taking the moral high ground, as it has always been for my own benefit first. Not being a hypocrite here, because as you all know, I am living off my savings and steemit, traveling and living a simple life at the moment. This same lifestyle is what I have been actually trying to promote lately to lift the spirits of people trapped in their jobs or in a place all their lives.

The lifestyle is also what I have been promoting to the whales, aspiring expats and digital-nomads out there. Spread your assets - international diversification. Have the freedom to live and work anywhere.

In the end, we all want to get out of the corporate slavery, state control, and high taxes. Trust me, I had been part of all of this, I got out of the corporate job stress by traveling to save my sanity and my life.

However, if the whalebots are becoming the corporation that I have escaped from in the past, then I apologize if I promoted this on my previous post as a temporary solution to the faulty system. But I really don't know at this moment, it's all up to you now.

Don’t take my word. Maybe we should have other choices, which services are really good and which ones are not? Especially, for those who don’t have a lot of STEEM yet to invest in the account. I'm all for more solution instead of complaints.

In the end, it’s all going to be providing quality content, as what I have been also actively promoting in the past.

I certainly do not want to go back to my corporate job and sacrifice my spirit once again. Just to be able to afford to invest in steemit, but there's no shortcut.

But here’s what I know, I will continue writing as what I have been doing, spreading awareness, promoting my lifestyle, unpromoting the luxury travel companies here, encouraging people to be rich in their own way and not tolerating bad behavior.

There’s no quick way to anything. Those who refused to quit and pass the persistence test will be rewarded eventually.

You have the right to live your own life in your own way.

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