The island of Roderique - Part 1 - a hidden gem in the Indian Ocean


Roderique is an island of stunning mountainous landscape and white sandy beaches. Isolated in the middle of the Indian Ocean. The location itself makes it a well hidden secret, kept away from the mainstream travel destinations and a most pleasant surprise to visit. In my opinion, a MUST see if you like to go “off the beaten track”. Some locals in Mauritius refer to Roderique as a “mini Mauritius”. Others say it is more like Mauritius was 50 years ago. After visiting Roderique, I find that those who describe the island as Mauritius was 50 years ago are closer to being right. What they actually does mean by that, I think is: authentic culture, slow pace lifestyle and unspoilt island in so many ways. Almost totally secluded from the rest of the world, it has developed differently from the mother island – Mauritius, which it belongs to. To me it seems very different from Mauritius and far from being anything like the more typical tourist destination. But you have to spend some days to understand what it really means.

This remote island is situated some 600 km. north-east of Mauritius. Only 18 km. in length and 8 km. at the widest point. Surrounded by coral reef, with smaller islands around it, such as Ile aux Cocos. The mountains offers real good hiking opportunities. In addition diving, snorkeling, cave exploring just to mention a few of the options the island has to offer.

Roderique developed because of volcanic activity some millions of years ago. From the 10th century the Arabs started to visit. A Portuguese navigator, Don Diègo Roderiquez visited in 1528 and was the one to give name to the island. From 1601 the Dutch began to visit and about a hundred years later a French Huguenot landed and started a colony of Protestant refugees. The origin of the population today is mainly descendants of freed slaves who left Mauritius in the 19th century.

Roderique is different from the mother island in many ways. The population on Mauritius is mixed, while Roderique has an almost entirely population of African / Creole origin, which makes it differ from the melting pot on Mauritius. People on Mauritius seems to prefer speeking French instead of Creole. On Roderique it is the opposite.

Port Mathurin, the tiny capital does offer shopping possibilities. There are both supermarkets and some retail clothing. At the market there are handmade souvenirs and different kind of food. Even a small museum. The capital is small, but still, it is the most developed area of the island. The only thing is that the shops close early. The locals seems to end their day of work early.

Since the island is so small it is easy to get around. What we did was renting a car for one day, driving around the whole island. Because of the mountains the roads are winding their way down to the sea. But our roadtrip offered some gorgeous panoramic views. The scenery wary from farmland and open pastures. Cows, sheeps and goats everywhere. When driving along the shore, the scenery was dominated by fishermenn, small fishingboats and octopus hanging there to dry in the sun. We also explored one of the larger caves, in a group and with a guide. In addistion we spend one whole day on the even smaller island, Ile aux Cocos.

But the most striking discovery is the slow pace. Time seems to stand still. People who lives here, has plenty of time and seems to live a simple life. This unhurried pace of the locals I found very attractive. They do take there time in everything they do. When stopping by a small local store, the shopkeeper was busy watching the television she had in the shop. Even our waterbotles were on the desk and money in our hand, she took her time.

It is easy to combine with a visit to Mauritius since it is only an hours flight away. A visit here must be perfect for those seeking to get away from pollutions, chaos and hectic lifestyle. A unique island definitive off the beaten track.

Part 2 coming soon.

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All the photoes are mine, Ulla Jensen (flickr, Instagram and facebook)

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