Lonesome Fisherman
On my travels around the country this summer I have seen lots of nice places and met nice people just like this lonesome fisherman I found outside a town called Rena.
He told me he was fishing after the Trout, but was afraid he wouldn't get any because of the Pikes that apparently have taken over many lakes and rivers around the area.
Never the less, it was a nice place to take pictures of the sunset.
Just like the rest of Europe, Norway have the driest summer in over 70years, but this lake seems to be unaffected by the drought, and that's because this lake is actually a dam that produces power, and they have probably closed the valves to make sure they have enough water to produces power to the people in the coming months.
Stay tuned for more travel post from my trip around the country.
Location: Rena, Norway
Camera: Nikon P900
No filter have been used
No editing have been made to these photos
Photographer: @flatman
Latest Post: Animal Series #38 - Hoverfly (Syrphidae Ribesii)