2,111 Foot Long Zip Line Adventure in Park City, Utah with Video

My husband and I went on a little zip line adventure during a summertime trip to Park City, Utah. We signed up for the Epic Zip Tour in Canyons Resort. The mountain air is invigorating. When we went, the leaves were just starting to turn.

On the way up

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Geared up and ready to go

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The tour took about 1½ hour to hike and zip line. They started us off on a training zip line, kinda like the bunny slope for skiers. It was mostly listening to the teenage guide teach us safety since this was going to be just a teaser of what was to come.

After the training zip line, we went on an 800 foot Red Pine zip line. Okay, more interesting than the training one, but because we could see the end, and it didn’t seem too far away, I was not the least bit scared. It was fun.

I absolutely loved hiking to take the final ski lift up to Lookout Zip Line. As we were making the final ascent, I started to see tiny specks flying down what looked to be an invisible cable hundreds of feet in the air. Those specks were people and it sunk in that that was going to be us soon.

When we walked up to the edge of Lookout Zip Line, I actually got a little bit scared. The ride was 2,111 feet long. You literally fly across the canyon between Lookout Peak and Red Pine Lodge hundreds of feet off the ground. The instructors were repeating safety instructions such as, remember to brake, but I was so distracted, it sounded like Charlie Brown’s teacher talking, Wah Wah Wah Wah Wah. I looked at my husband for reassurance but he was too fired up to notice my apprehension, so I decided to suck it up.

Feelings involved with the super long and high ride

1.) Doubt – Looks scary!
2.) Fear – Stepping off into the unknown!
3.) Exhilaration – So fun!
4.) Relief – We lived!
5.) Pride – We did it!

The ride itself

The last feeling...

6.) Confidence – Let’s go again!

Shout out

  • To my husband for being so freakin' awesome!

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