英國深度環島遊 # 6 主菜天空島 (2) Round the Isle UK trip #6 The main course Isle of Skye part 2

Continuing with my stay at Isle of Skye, today we go to the other famous hiking spot, The Quiraing. It is located on the northern part of the Isle of Skye and the start of the walk, where the sea meets the sky, is absolutely breathtaking.


Like The Old Man of Storr, the landscape at The Quiraing is a result of a series of landslips over the years and this has created many impressive rock formation. Some even have their own names such as The Prison, The Needle and The Table. I think you need a bit of imagination to recognise them but we did see The Needle and stood on The Table, though I couldn't work out where The Prison was.





In my view, the entire area as gorgeous as it is, is also quite rocky and dangerous and could easily become a prison if you are not careful and get stranded in bad weather or the dark! We were quite glad when we got back down from the Quiraing, and looking back up to where we were just half an hour ago, it was a quite an impressive hike. Another pat on the back for myself!

但以我來看,整個地區雖然很美麗但地形也頗險要,若是遇上天氣突然變壞或黑夜裡不小心被困在山上,那整個地區就會變成一個大監獄! 當我從Quiraing下山後,並且回望剛才的景色,真是覺得它非常壯觀!

Apart from amazing landscapes, the Isle of Skye boasts three one star Michelin star restaurants and an abundance of fresh seafood.

Sconser Scallops are famous hand dived scallops farmed in the local lochs. They are also called twice dived scallops. The first dive is when they are moved from the deeper waters in the lochs and to shallow waters when they're about 2 to 3 years old. Apparently the plankton in the shallow waters are thicker which helps to enhance the scallop's flavour and meat. The second dive is of course when they are harvested, and we bought a dozen that were freshly dived that morning. So from loch to mouth in less than 12 hours. Buying fresh scallops live in the shell meant we had to shuck them ourselves but that wasn't too difficult.


In fact, the scallops were so fresh that even after we had shucked and cleaned them, they still moved when I nudged them with a knife, not dissimiliar to an external heartbeat movement that I've seen in documentary programmes! We had our scallops three ways. Raw sashimi style, grilled and pan fried. I think the raw ones, straight, were definitely the best! You may have noticed that two shells in the photo above doesn't have a scallop, that's because we were so eager to taste them once they were shucked. That is how good they were.


Before leaving the Isle of Skye we sat down for a proper lunch at one of the three Michelin star restaurants – Kinloch Lodge. We were the only diners there for lunch so we had the full attentive but non intrusive service from the staff.



The entire dining room was immaculately set up as you would expect from a fine dining establishment, and the food not only looked delicious but tasted even better. Having been on the road and living a bit on the rough for ten days already, this was a really nice change to experience something luxury and comforting.





Our luxury meal marked the end of our three night stay on the Isle of Skye, and time to head back to the mainland via the Skye Bridge. Next time, I will take you to the famous Loch Ness and the start of our Scottish whisky tour.


If you've missed the previous posts for my Round the Isle UK trip, you can read them here
英國深度環島遊菜單 ~~ An overview of my Round the Isle UK trip

英國深度環島遊 # 1 博學多才的Lichfield 和曼城街頭的香港漫畫人物 ~~ Part 1 Lichfield and Manchester

英國深度環島遊 # 2 沒有網絡的日子 Round the Isle UK trip #2 Living off the grid in Yorkshire Dales

英國深度環島遊 # 3 蘇格蘭的世外桃源 Round the Isle UK trip #3 The surreal Scottish Lochs

英國深度環島遊 # 4 哈利波特迷要看及蘇格蘭點滴 Round the Isle UK trip #4 Calling Harry Potter fans and showcasing Scottish snippets

英國深度環島遊 # 5 主菜天空島 Round the Isle UK trip #5 The main course Isle of Skye

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