Heaven Is A Place On Earth - Riding Waves Like Pirates Of The Caribbean In Puerto Aventuras Mexico

To describe Puerto Aventuras as a beautiful, tropical paradise would be an understatement. The calm, warm, tropical atmosphere overwhelms the senses with a peacefulness and serenity that leaves one feeling content, certain that you must have done something right in your last life to even find yourself here.

But even in paradise, it wasn't easy to find parking and thankfully this is Mexico. Slipping a 200 peso (about $10) bribe to the parking attendant at the Dreams resort we were steps away from where we needed to be. Viva Mexico!

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As we waited for my coworkers to arrive for our scheduled catamaran trip that our boss paid for, I strolled over to look at the dolphins who live at Dolphin Discovery. They are really majestic creatures and arguably more intelligent than we are.

I have a good friend that used to live right next to the dolphin nursery here in Puerto Aventuras and we would walk right off his back porch and get a close look at the baby dolphins with their mothers who they stay with for the first two years of their lives. You can hear them whistle and get a sense they are really communicating with each other in their high pitched language.

Here's a video I shot while watching the dolphins jump.

Video of dolphins jumping

The catamaran we were about to board was huge and we were ready to soak in some sun and alcohol. I mean it's hard work putting in these four hour days at an all-inclusive resort so we have to let off some steam sometimes.

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We were about to put in some "overtime" on this beautiful catamaran in the Caribbean Sea. Sometimes you just got to take one for the team. I mean, when your boss says you got to come in, you got to come in. You know what I mean? It's a work thing and I'm a team player.

The name of the catamaran Ra'iātea, a Tahitian name shared with the second largest of the Society Islands in French Polynesia. In the Tahitian language, it means, bright sky. The sky seemed to be in perfect agreement and who am I to argue with the sky.

Deja Vu

I used to work at a clothing optional, all-inclusive resort in Cancun called Temptations and it had a catamaran trip called the Booze Cruise (and another called the Boobs Cruise - imagine that).

It made me laugh to see people waiting in line in the morning sleepwalking on the dock. Barely talking to one another. Probably hung over from the night before or jet lagged from their long flight, short on sleep and coffee. At first glance, they looked so far removed from anything remotely resembling fun.

Fast forward to the end of the day when they returned before dark, burned from the flaming sun, hugging each other like shipwrecked, drunken pirates ready to pillage the town on an all-night bender.

Was that a treasure map I saw someone holding?

It's amazing what a few drinks and a jump off of a catamaran in the middle of the Caribbean can do to bond people and transform them from timid travelers to bold adventurers.

Was it just the alcohol or was something else involved?

We were about to experience our own transformation as we climbed aboard and drinks were poured. Aye mate, is that some ale in 'ur claw? 'ow's about a smidgen for me?

The Forecast Looks Like Fun

The captain unmoored the catamaran and edged through the canal towards the open sea as a sense of adventure tickled the passenger pirates. Escaping the canal we picked up speed and fired more shots of tequila across the bow.

Video of catamaran going to sea

The warm sun, cool breeze, and good vibes got the party started as the DJ fired up festive groove and drinks started flowing.

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A quick glance at the scene reminded me how lucky we are to be in this place on the planet living the life we live and I felt reassured knowing I was in good company.

Smiles for miles as far as the eye can see seemed to be the immediate forecast and the captain looked like he knew what he was doing.

Perfect. Time for another beer and where is that treasure map? Arrg.

Girls Just Want To Have Fun

Thank god for girls because without them a trip like this just wouldn't be the same. Hell, nothing in this world would be any fun at all. Could you imagine a bunch of guys hanging out with guys doing guy things all the time? I shudder to think of it.

Girls make everything so much better. And girls with alcohol, well, this must be heaven. Maybe heaven isn't some place in the clouds after all. Maybe it's on a catamaran full of tequila and women, on a womb temperature ocean under a smiling sun.

Maybe I did do something right in my last life and this life is the treasure at the end of the rainbow. Who needs a map when you're standing on the X?

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About an hour into the trip we were an hour into our trip and coming unmoored ourselves. We slowed down and anchored in the center of a crystal-clear, moon-shaped bay to snorkel.

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Image credit

Imagine a giant aquarium with 60-foot visibility in all directions and every color of sea life and bikinis under the sun. If this isn't heaven then it must be right around the corner.

Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you a yacht big enough to pull up right alongside it. -- David Lee Roth credit

Swimming with the fishes, it occurred to me, has a completely different connotation to Tony Sapprano , but to me, it has always meant a good time. Snorkeling feels like flying in slow motion and the weightlessness makes you feel like a kid.

If heaven had a swimming pool this is what it would look like or maybe more like this little piece of paradise. It only makes sense that there would be angels swimming there like these ones.

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What I love about living in paradise is most everyone is in a good mood most of the time. And if they're not it's really easy to put them in a good mood. I mean, all the ingredients are there to make a good mood possible. It's really hard to complain in paradise without sounding silly.

To put it another way, the good mood concentration level is optimal and one's cup tends to be half full and if they're not we can easily refill your cup.

Coming Home

The deep blue waters lapped at the sides of the catamaran keeping rhythm with the music and as I watched the sun dip below the horizon and a warm feeling of contentment washed over the scene, I paused to realize heaven is not some place we go to in the future for being good in our past. Heaven is right here and right now and all around us, and there are angels waiting for us to dance.

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I will leave you with this great song by Weezer to enjoy.

Weezer - Thank God For Girls

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