Memories from abroad -The colors are always deeper

Cambodia 1.jpg

Is it me or do the colors in some places you visit just seem more vivid than normal?

That was Cambodia for me. From the first moment I crossed into it through the overland border at Poipet (now that's a story) color seemed to get flipped up to max, and then some. The greens seemed to come in waves, the oranges popped like fresh fruit, yellows were piercing, and the blues brought you back to your childhood. Red...I can't even.

I shot this in a small beach city called Sihanoukville, on the west edge of Cambodia. I didn't know it then, but I had accidentally stumbled into the country's go-to vacation spot. And at the perfect time. Rainy season was just ending and the most beautiful days were about to begin. And the town was about to go from sleep to insane...

What grabbed me about this shot was, as the title implies, the colors.

There were always plenty of boats anchored just off the beach. And every morning when I woke up to take my before-breakfast swim, I saw people heading out, the putt-putt breaking the almost silence of a warm sea day. Their colors vivid against the blueish purple clouds that draped the scene.

Just writing about this is bringing back a lot of amazing memories, which, as always, will be in upcoming posts. It may have been years upon years since I last thought about any of this, but the stories are all still there, organized quite nicely in my head :)

Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear what you think.

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