Memories from abroad -The temples of Tokyo

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Memories are really important to me.

I don't get to revisit them very often. A huge chunk of my life was spent walking the streets of foreign lands, yet, I have talked about it so rarely that people who have known me for years are still surprised when I mention it. The idea is jarring to them, I think in a way. Which is why no one asks about it.

I mean, as much as people talk about how differences attract, when you get to something as fundamental as major life choices like living abroad, similarity matters. There needs to be smooth track of commonality, because without it, the road gets bumpy, really bumpy. I mean, for those who decided to follow the normal track of life, how often do you really want to hear about amazing drinking stories in far off lands? Escapades into the unknown...

It's fun to indulge every once in a while,

but constant exposure and reminder that you chose a different path, one that you might not have liked, isn't something you're going to volunteer for. Some people do, and they're amazing, and I can probably count them on one hand. So I don't get to talk about it pretty much ever.

The grass is always greener and all that. Trust me. It's not all sunshine and roses doing the things we've done.

I was in Japan at a temple when I shot this, Tokyo.

Where exactly I don't remember and I can't read Kanji. Maybe someone will leave a comment and enlighten us ;) But, I was no longer living there. My entire existence had been reduced to a backpack and I was crashing a friends place. He said I could stay as long as I liked, which was great. I thought it was only going to be 2 or 3 days...thought, lol. Three weeks later is when I finally said my goodbyes.

My mind was in a whole different place.

I was an outsider again. Sort of. In Japan foreigners will always be outsiders. I had worked hard to carve a niche, I knew the land, I knew the people, I walked like a local, but I wasn't even that anymore. I wasn't even a tourist, really. I was something different.

I could observe from a distance, move in close and engage, I could do whatever I want, wear whatever face I wanted to. In so many ways it was such a liberating experience. And, behind my camera I could bring to life the scenes I had been a part of for so many years, capture them, and be able to show them to people. Point at them and say, 'I was there! :)'

Travel is so important to life.

It gives us these experiences that are so special, even if we don't realize it. They change us, expand our horizons, give us new perspectives. They make us different. They give us memories. Memories that we can share with people, should they chose to listen, and hopefully expand their horizons as well.

While most people are satisfied with the occasional trip so as not to upset the balance of life, there are others that throw down the map they were given and break into a different world. Head first we plunge into the deep end, forever breaking from normality. Forever refusing to be normal. It's not an easy path, but, no path ever is.

I hope that someday you travel to Japan and get to walk this same road. :)

Thanks for reading!

Submission to the #streetphotography contest held by the amazing @juiliank
Go here to learn more

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