Travel Dairy...Glacier Trek [Sonamarg and Thajwaas Glacier Trek]

Hello Steemers!!!
It has been a while now since i posted. I had been busy with the Over-haul of my Car. I hope you are having a Beautiful experience of Steemit coz i am loving it.
Today i will be taking you guys for a trek on a Glacier named as Thajwaas Glacier. This is located in Sonamarg of Jammu and Kashmir, India. I went there couple of weeks back with my friends and it was an amazing experience.



It is the land of meadows and high altitude rocky mountains. The word literally means "Land of Gold".
Sonamarg lies on the Highway of Ladakh (cold desert), a world Famous Tourist destination. The rivers gushing down from high gorges still resonate in my ears. The Sonamarg is known for its lakes and parks. A large number of hotels and restaurants are also present here with dark green roofs, giving them a spectacular view from a distance.

IMG_0044.JPG A spectacular view of hotels in a meadow of Sonamarg with painted green roofs on all buildings. These hotels have some luxuries available although being off route from the city.

IMG_0777.JPG A bridge connecting the Sonamarg with The Religious Heritage Site for Hindus called Baltal famous for Amarnath Pilgrimage. Many such Rivers originate from high top mountains and terminate in the Main River of Indus.

Thajwaas Glacier

After slight roaming around in the Parks of Sonamarg, we decided to head to Thajwaas Glacier. The Vehiclar Road is only for some distance and you have to either walk on foot or take a horse for that distance which is charged pretty good money. We walked on foot. The trek road to the Thajwaas Glacier is through pretty high rocky mountains. The snow had somewhat melted away, however there was snow on the top of the Glacier Mountain.

IMG_0889.JPG The Water coming from this glacier was absolutely cold despite the surrounding temperature of 36°C. These all small rivers combine to form a larger river which is Called Indus River.

IMG_0134.JPG The way to the glacier is very rough and challenging. High Rocky Paths makes the things, present deep down the mountain, look minute. The Air becomes thin and You are exhausted easily up here.

IMG_0136.JPG The snow on the Glacier of Thajwaas. Snow remains allround the year despite the hikes in temperature during summers.
Some of the pictures as taken on Glacier
IMG_0820.JPG Snow is the Major source of Water in most of the rivers in Kashmir.




I hope you liked these pictures and also had a rough glimpse of the places i visited that day. So when are you planning to go for a trek? Kashmir is an amazing place for both trekking as well as Beauty. Thus truely called as Paradise on Earth.

Here a Proof of me in one of the meadows and on the Glacier



So This is all for Now...pretty late almost 1 am here. See you Soon with some more Stuff...

My previous post

Snowy Barbeque Night

Till next time...

Trek On!!!



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