Quick Trip Update: Olomouc to Brno - Tough progress when rain comes!

Hoooooorray readers! This will be a quick series to update during the cycling - Progress has been made!

Current Position: Bratislava in Slovakia.

Over hills and peaks, muddy roads, beautiful landscapes and apples by the road; but also below unstoppable rain and snowy forests. Nature is trying so hard to put me down, but I'm still alive and going and working as hard as I can to bring content from this crazy adventure on the European winter.

The updates are late and disconnected, mostly because I've been dealing with battery problems while trying to concentrate on keeping a competitive pace on the bicycle, even when the weather conditions are not great.

On the last quick report we made it do Czech Republic, a place which brough a ton of joy and excitment to the trip; it was where I saw the first bits of snow and camped in negative temperatures. On the last report I was also sitting on a nice and cozy sofa in Olomouc, where unfortunatelly I had to leave and go back into my wilderness life. This balance between wilderness and city life is important to make us remember the value of simple things such as services. Remember how easy it is to turn on the faucet and take a hot shower?

The report you are going to see is from the EuroVelo 9 between Olomouc and Brno in Czech Republic


Free Apples

Cycling can be though when the Gods decide to unleash all the power upon your poor soul, however sometimes they send gifts to be appreciated as a one time opportunity when you find yourself by some road in the middle of Europe during the Winter. Apples! Look!!!!! So many of them - I said to myself. I absolutely had to cool down the pace and stop to enjoy sweet, fresh and sexy apples.


Click image to enlarge!

Hills and Peaks

Progress on those rural roads was sometimes tiring, the ups and downs, gear shifts and sometimes amazing landscapes just force you to stop just to take pictures. The few hours of sunlight pass by so fast making the whole experience a bit frustrating. Is this a trip to photograph? Or is it becoming a self challenge to keep on going? The answear I don't know, but some places just deserve to be photographed, even when it costs precious day time and body performance.



Click image to enlarge!

The First Snow

It was just a matter of time until the first snow appeared, and I admittedly was hoping for it; call it masochism, I call it feeling alive. There's something on a snowy forest that just attracts me, it's peaceful and relaxing somehow. For some, the cold is bitter, for me its energy. That's what I saw after an excruciating uphill on a muddy road inside a forest; a hill top with bits of snow. Snow! It's snoooow! This is where I want to camp. - I said.



Click image to enlarge!

Back to the City Crazyness

The contrast between living a few days on rural roads and the city is somehow interesting. Even though I prefer nature, I have to admire street art and the way we express life in between 'forests' of concrete buildings.

Arrival ir Brno, the second largest city in Czech Republic, was just not easy. It had been raining since the night I set a wild camp on the snowy forest near a small river. Rain and cycling can not be avoided, especially when you are running away from the northern winter; gotta gear up and just go.

That day was not easy, the uphills were not sutile and the rain was not giving a break. Combine all that with the electronics failing and dying and malfunctioning, to have a complete lack of motivation for doing anything besides cycling as fast as possible to get to the city. I don't have pictures of Brno, mostly because the weather was awful and because I wanted to get out of that messy rain.

Only this one, when I was protecting myself from getting more wet below a bridge.


Click image to enlarge!

From Brno down to Austria the content creation got lesser and lesser due to the constant rain. Cycling on those conditions just require a full attention to keep on going, or else the body cools down making you freeze to death. On top of that, you end up consuming energy in double; some goes to cycling, some goes to keeping the body warm.

Due to the harsh circunstances you won't see an update about the trip from Brno to Viena, but don't worry! The adventure will keep on going as soon as the weather gives a break and we are able to restart in Austria or Slovakia, let's see where the route takes us. I also have a bunch of videos coming out about the beautiful cities on the countries I have already passed. Stay tuned!

Come with me ladies and gentleman! Are you enjoying?

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~Love ya all,

Disclaimer:  The author of this post is a convict broke backpacker, who has travelled more than 10.000 km hitchhiking. Following him may cause severe problems of wanderlust and inquietud. You've been warned.

I'm Arthur. I blog about Adventure Stories, Brazil, Travel, Camping & Life Experiences.

Follow me to stay tuned for more craziness and tips.

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