Tsunami Warning Signs - Chile | Small Travel Story | The Day My Pants 'Got Heavy'

Hooray you mighty readers! Funny tsunami warning signs and how a siren scared me to death in Chile.

Remember my last post about the tides and how nature tricked me real bad when I've had that deserved break from my part-time job? Don't remember? Go check it out then, you monster! Just kidding, love you!

Puerto Cisnes - Chile | Photography | Funny Little Story About Tides

I also would like to remember you that I'll write a long travel story, full of funny situations, about this small town in Chile, but for that you'll have to stay tuned.

This time though, I'd like to bring a glimpse of my crazy stay there. Just like on the 'tides' post, I want to share this small little photography story of how I almost pooped on my pants because of a troll siren.

If you know Chile or if you follow the news, you may have noticed that they have some serious problems with earthquakes sometimes. I don't think it's that frequent, but many chileans I met along the way talked about the terrible sensation it is to go through an earthquake and how it feels, like the soil is wobbling below your feet just like a sea wave. I'm not a scared guy, so I took their advises on what to do in such situations and carried on with my life, thinking that I should not encounter the referred phenomenon. At least I hoped.

By the time I got to Puerto Cisnes I had already forgotten about earthquakes, until I found this little signs all over the coast. Enough to light up my attention again.

Tsunami Warning Sign

Tsunami Warning Sign in Puerto Cisnes, Chile. Click image to enlarge!

     - Ok, this thing is serious! - I though.

I've asked some locals about the signs and their answear was positive.

     - Bueno... We've never had a tsunami here, but everytime there's an earthquake somewhere, there's risk. That's why we have the signs. - The old man said.

     - Ok, good. Nothing to worry about. - I though.

I've stayed there for 5 or 6 days, nothing happened, enough time for me to forget again the idea of being swallowed by a gigantic wave, dragging me into the Pacific (do I really want to live in a sailboat?).

It wasn't until I've crossed by boat to Chiloé, an island 10 hours away from Puerto Cisnes. Being an island, I was of course surrouded by water, meaning... no place to run away. But ok.

One beautiful day I was walking slowly, enjoying all the small details of a town called Achao, day was gray as usual (Chiloé rains 300 days a year). All perfect... when I heard.

     - *Wooooooooooo-ooooooo, Wooooooooooo-ooooooo* - A long air raid siren sound.

     - What the heck is that? Sounds like an old air raid siren... - I though.

I started moving quickily, trying to find where that sound was coming from.

    - Hold on a second! It's the freakin tsunami siren!!!!!! - I though.

Hill! Find a hill you bastard! Run to the mountains, learn how to swim, do something. I looked around, the locals were still there, doing nothing. Something is wrong, are they just accepting the fact that a gigantic wave is going to cary us all to Neptune?

I approached a local woman selling some sea algaes.

     - Ola señora, Why is the tsunami siren on? - I asked, trying to hide the fact that my pants were feeling heavy.

     - It's midday, they use it to mark midday and midnight. - She said.

     - Ahhhhhhhhh I understand... thank you.. - I said.

Dude, I'll tell you! Why in hell would they use a tsunami siren to tell the hours? I don't know... all I know is that this is how a simple siren almost caused me a bad case of heavy pants.

Tsunami Warning Siren

Puerto Cisnes - Chile.
The bastard siren tha scared me. Click image to enlarge!

Have you ever had the case of 'heavy pants'? What was the reason? Comment down below, I'd love to hear from you.

I hope you've enjoyed this small story. If you liked it, consider giving your upvote for a hot coffee.

~Love ya all,

Disclaimer:  The author of this post is a convict broken backpacker, who has travelled more than 10.000 km hitchhiking. Following him may cause severe problems of wanderlust and inquietud. You've been warned.

I'm Arthur. I blog about Adventure Stories, Brazil, Travel, Camping & Life Experiences.

Follow me to stay tuned for more craziness and tips.

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