China Outdoor First People Now on Steemit / 中国户外第一人 Now on Steemit

Outdoor sports are very popular in China, 10 years ago I came in Jiujiang, Jiangxi, a beautiful city at the foot of Lushan,I do not know anyone here,no friend,Since I know my friend ”Knife Master“,His job is to stock investment securities,I am a full-time programmer,We have the same hobbies and free time,I love outdoor sports and love fishing,We have our own clubs, over 1000 users members,There are many professional photographer, aerial photography, water sports, motor sports, game fishing, mountain climbing, outdoor rsponsor

户外运动在中国非常受欢迎,10年前我来到江西九江,庐山脚下一个美丽的城市,不认识任何人在这里, 自从我认识了现在的好基友刀大师,他从事证券交易工作,而我是一个全职程序员,我们有共同的时间和爱好,自从认识他我的生活发生了巨大的变化,我爱上了户外运动,更爱上了钓鱼, 我们有自己的俱乐部,一个超过1000用户的户外群体,这里有许多专业的摄影师,航拍摄影爱好,水上运动,摩托运动,钓鱼比赛,登山,还有来自全国户外运动的赞助

Mountain Buggy Brigade / 山地越野车大队

Mountain bike race /山地车比赛

Cross-country mountain In the Poyang Lake Prairie / 山地越野在鄱阳湖大草原

Jet SkiIn the Zhelin Reservoir/ 水舞局大队在柘林湖

Flying squadron / 航拍飞行中队

Knife Master Is my closest friend,No words don't say friends,To find China's most beautiful landscapes and fishing spots, our footprints have gone throurgh half of China, We went to Guizhou, China wanfeng Lake, Wu Qiang XI, the three Gorges reservoir area, Hunan and Hubei Danjiangkou, Anhui huating Lake, Qiandao Lake in Zhejiang, Jiangxi Zhelin Reservoir, Guangzhou Heyuan wanlu Lake and forest that has never been visited,We met many friends from around the country, they are playing outdoors crazy.
刀大师是我的好基友,什么叫基友,就是能睡一起,无话不说的朋友, 为了寻找中国最美山水和钓点,我们的足迹走过了大半个中国, 我们去过中国贵州的万峰湖,三峡库区,湖南五强溪,湖北丹江口,安微花亭湖,浙江千岛湖,江西的柘林湖,广州河源万绿湖以及从未有人去过的原始森林, 我们的旅行认识了来自全国各地的许多朋友, 他们都是玩户外的疯子.

What is outdoor? what crazy? please follow my figure look at China's top mad, they are my friends
什么叫专业? 什么叫户外疯子? 请跟随我的图集看看这些中国最顶级的疯子, 他们都是我的朋友

Wugong mountain,Camping watch the sunrise,More than 800 tents

Lushan beauty, you want to see can not see.

Stay away trip, whether hanging wind rain, sunrise and sunset, as long as the dry, that is to say stay away, someone gave me the nickname, happy madman
我和刀大师说走就走的旅行, 无论挂风下雨,日出日落,只要干,那就是说走就走, 别人送我的外号,"快乐的疯子"

This is my fishing friends, they come from different industries, We have the same hobby, I love them, though they do not have a woman.
这是我的钓鱼朋友们,他们来自不同的行业,和我一样有着相同的爱好, 我爱他们,虽然他们不是女人

This is a fish necklace / 这是一条鱼项链

This is me / 这是我

This is only a portion of my fishing tools,Please enjoy,For different fish, bait and require different methods, so I learned a lot.

To find a good landscape, where there are fish to catch,I've never learned Xcode, it took three months in the development of an APP, IOS and Android versions,China has more than 100 million people playing outdoor sports,
I will add new features to my software, I, as the first people from here and decided to invite Part of my friends to the Steemit.
为了寻找中国的好山好水,哪里有鱼钓,我从未学过Xcode,花了3个月时间,在开发了一款APP,苹果版本和安卓, 中国有超过100万人在玩户外运动, 我将给我的软件增加新的功能,我 第一个到这里,将会邀请部分我的朋友他们来到Steemit.

This is my wife And friends, She put on my fishing clothes, pretty nice

because too many images, so continue to publish a new post
My Fishing Travelling Photography

Enjoy :)
following me at @MyFirst

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