My Fishing Photography / 我的钓鱼摄影图像

China Outdoor First People Now on Steemit

Previous article here, because too many images, so continue to publish a new post

Some people say that is a money-burning sport fishing, depending on how to understand, just like the same Steemit,
My friend's equipment better than me, I can not be too far behind, I just learn fishing, from a simple $5 fishing rod to now a nearly $500, spent nearly $5000,
From the beginning of the Taiwan fishing, lures, and now the popular fishing raft in china.
有人说钓鱼是烧钱的运动,这要看怎么去理解,它能吸引我去投资,就像现在的Steemit一样, 我朋友的装备比我好,我的也不能太落后, 从我刚刚学习学习钓鱼,从一根简单的30块杆子到现在一根杆子将近3000元,整个一套花费将近3万元,跟我其它朋友比起来还算差的, 从最开始的台钓,路亚,到现在全国流行的筏钓, 装备是换了又换, 装备好了没鱼钓,这是中国的现状,也是我为什么要开发APP的原因

People live in the city every weekend to go outdoors, friends gathering we will choose to go to the lake, where the quiet, ambient air is good, a good place to play with children, Usually before dawn departure, or afternoon departure, night live on the island
城市里生活的人每到周末都会去户外, 朋友小聚我们也会选择去湖边, 因为那里安静,环境空气好,带小孩游玩的好地方,一般天还没亮就出发,或者下午出发,晚上露营在岛上居住

My Fishing Photography Collections / 我和朋友们钓鱼图集欣赏
Camping on the island at night, look at the moon and stars / 晚上露营岛上,看星星看月亮,偶而也会和野猪干架


You can sleep in the bed fishing, A very cheap / 水上的筏排,你可以睡在床上钓鱼, 你可以筏钓,如果晕筏,也可以上岸,

Each fish has a story / 每一条鱼都有一个故事

Enjoy :)
following me at @MyFirst

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