Travel Diaries - Enchanting Tulip Garden of Srinagar

My last couple of blogs have been kind of little heavy, so today I decide to lighten up a bit. Also it is festival time back here in India, so to keep up with the festivities and the galloping mood of the season, I present my today’s post to you all with much love, high energies and happiness đŸ˜‡

When we think of Tulip Gardens the first name that occurs to us is Amsterdam, but today I want to let you all know that there is an equally beautiful Tulip Garden in India, and that’s in Srinagar- Jammu & Kashmir, at the Northern peak of India. The sad part is that’s its open only for one month in the year and that’s in April. Luckily I was in the place at the same time and that’s how I discovered of this place and was lucky enough to visit.

This Garden is named after the late Prime Minister of India Smt. Indira Gandhi, opened in 2007. In Asia this is one of the largest Tulip Garden. The location of this garden is very beautiful giving a good overview of another tourist attraction of Srinagar - Dal Lake, which is famous for its Boat House stay.

Magnificently spread out in vibrant colors

Family memories are always very special

For all the Non-Indians, if you ever visit India, do not miss to visit Jammu & Kashmir. Its a very beautiful breadth taking destination. You will find a glimpse of the Alps of Switzerland here in the Alps of Kashmir.
Kashmir has been politically criticized a lot, but its not as bad as the media has made it sound.

Thank you

Source of Images---All the pictures are self clicked

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