Exploring Helsinki - Finlandia Hall by Architect Alvar Aalto


As you already know I'm super passionate about modern architecture and have travelled to different parts of the world hoping to see these properties and examine them. I think at first I was just viewing them for my own knowledge, which is still the case in some aspects, but it often meant I carried a basic film camera and just took a few photos instead of what I do now, taking more than my camera can hold! haha These were captured on a Pentax K1000. Such a basic camera but a great one at that.

On a recent trip to Helsinki in Finland I wanted to follow the path of architect and designer Alvar Aalto. Ever since my studies as a designer I've held his work in high regard and have many books that explain his furniture and product design, also the architecture. The Finlandia Hall was a point of interest because it was designed in 1962 and completed in 1971. Every detail in the building has been designed by Alvar Aalto, which became fairly common in his builds, but the design is simple in nature and timeless in appearance.

I walked around the building and took a few pictures of this building, both inside and out. It was so peaceful but could imagine how busy it gets when special events are on. It was a real rush to think about the legacy that this fantastic architect has left on the country and this world in general. I hope you like a few of these snaps here and I will upload more from his house/studio soon.

Click here to read more about Finlandia Hall in Helsinki, Finland →





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Exploring Naoshima - A Visit to the Lee Ufan Museum
Naoshima - Tadao Ando's Concrete Walls
Exploring Osaka - Inside the TRUCK Furniture Showroom
Exploring Tokyo - Hama Rikyu Gardens
Exploring Tokyo - A Visit to Sensoji Temple in Asakusa
Exploring Kyoto - Tenryuji Temple & Grounds
Exploring Kyoto - A Visit to Fushimi Inari Shrine

Please follow me @oen for more interesting art, design and travel content

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