Travel Norway #8 - First visit in Trollheimen montains - Innerdalen

Hello Friends!

Coming back to my photo-guide about Norway - Trollheimen National Park is a large mountainous area with many great locations to visit and to present. Today I wan't to share with You some of the shots taken during my first view on the mountains and my first visit to Innerdalen valley during winter time.


Few years ago I finally had enough money to buy myself a car. This was a big dream for that times, because I was working over half a year and didn't had oportunity to explore any further areas than 20 km from town (one-day bicycle trip distance). I already new that Norway is a large country and very beautiful, has much more to offer and show than just a Trondheim area, which by the way, is not the best comparing to other places... The landscape photographers must travel - and I am sure You understand why ;).


Trip to Trollheimen mountains was almost first on my list as the travelling distance was not so big, I could do the trip both ways the same day. It is about 200 km one way... Trollheimen are the closest, large mountains looking south. From Trondheim we can also travel to swedish borders to Sylan mountains, which unforunatelly are not accesible with car during winter time. To explore that area we need to use ski and a lot of time to get not even close to the highest peaks.


Studying maps and google photos I decided to go to Sunndalsøra for the first visit. It is located in a heart of highest mountains, with good view on the largest peaks and Sunndalsfjorden. On the way to the city we are driving in a narrow valley surrounded from both sides by mighty Trollheimen mountains...


Trollheimen - the name of this mountain range means "The home of Trolls". It gives really nice mood and atmosphere for the place, when hiking around we can imagine this could be really the place where these magical creatures lived.
The highest peak of the mountains is called Trolla, it has 1850 meters.


In the highest part of the mountains we can see glaciers. They are not very large but as I know, it is possible to hike there with proper equipment and experience these geological beauties. There was a large cave in the past but has already collapsed in 2007. I have in my future plans to go up, not maybe on the glacier, because I am not an experienced mountaneer, but to stand next to head of the glacier and shoot it from a closer distance.


This particular visit is very sentimantal for me. I was there alone, I didn;t really know what to expect in Innerdalen during winter time, I wasn't there before so this excitement of exploring new areas was very strong. On the ath to the valley I saw an old ski-tracks signs, but no any foot prints. Layer of snow had about 1 meter deep but was frozen enough I could walk on it without falling into it. The way to the valley is not very long but leads up quite steep, with all the gear, winter clothes and not so good condition that times, it took about an hour before I reached the top and the best view on the whole valley.


It looked deserted, quite unpleasant, like a dead place where not even a single form of live could live... It was cloudy day with just a little show of sun light. Very atmospheric and quite creepy... the home of Trolls - I hoped I won't see anything strange there...


Lake Innerdalsvatne was totally frozen and covered with large amount of snow... The landscape seemed to be almost black&white. Just a black silhouettes of mountains and a white paint of snow covering everything around. I remember the silence which was not very comfortable in that moment.


I will be coming back to Trollheimen mountains and Innderdalen valley few more times in this series, to show You how the valley is changing during different seasons. Since my first visit there I loved the place so much that i was coming back there at least 2 times a year. Thanks for reading!


Other parts of the series:

Sunrise in Dovre Mountains
Muskox of Dovrefjell
Grønligrotta Cave
Cabin trip to Heia
Flatholmen - Muruvika beach
Storfossen waterfall on Homla river
Steinvikholmen - viking's castle?


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