Damanhur - 8th Wonder of the World or an amazing art and eco-community in Italy Part 2.

We continue our excursion into the wonder-world of a small settlement located in the town of Vidracco, in Piedmont, Italy. In my last post Damanhur - con te * a new world or an amazing art and eco-community in Italy Part 1 I described the story of my acquaintance with this amazing place, and today I would like to continue with the story of my visit there. This story has admiration for completely different things, which I did not expect at all, a bit also disillusioning from my blind love to it. Mostly it is a reflection of my experience of interaction with this place. Read and get yours (who knows maybe you will visit it one day)

The first acquaintance with Damanhur or something is wrong in this wonderful kingdom

In a previous article, I wrote that before even visiting Damanhur I had already fallen in love with his unique work of art - the Temple of Humankind. And as it often happens, when you are in love "up to your ears," I pictured to myself wonderful visit and how everything will be perfect in this Haven on the Earth.

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In my case it happened differently - the first meeting with Damanhur (although it is better to say with one of its representatives), I would gently say "cooled", my love. Probably the fault was all my expectations. Who knows. Or it was another lesson taught (to) me by my own consciousness to be vigilant. When the guide, walking with us through the territory was telling the community principles of peace and love and how they live in it, but several times negatively commenting on people's questions, a suspicion crept into my heart that maybe something is wrong and not so perfect here. The sensation was strengthened simply by the way the guide was telling us information and for some reason, it did not fit with the sensations that caused the place itself!

People are people, and the place "speaks" for itself!

This conclusion was made by my consciousness when we were finally brought into the Temples of Humankind as part of a small group. At this point, the brain was a little "wedged" and it was already calmly perceiving both the tone and manner of expressing our lady-guide so I could enjoy the beauty.

One of the first halls in which you visit is the Hall of the Earth. I understand that you should be a little "grounded" and prepared for what awaits you ahead. If you can be prepared at all for what you are about to see.

Hall of the Earth. Lower part. The Temples Of Humankind. Damanhur. Italy
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Hall of the Earth.The Temples Of Humankind. Damanhur. Italy
(c) Carlo Bevilaqua Image Source

What can I say? I've been to so many different places on the planet Earth and have seen a lot of things do not forget that before the trip I studied the Internet and saw many images of The Temples, but what appeared before my eyes was indescribable! Therefore, I am silent and I will better give you some photos, and you judge for yourself.

Hall of Mirrors. Temples Of Humankind. Damanhur. Italy
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Hall of Water. Temples of Humankind. Damanhur. Italy.
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Hall of Metal. Temples Of Humankind. Damanhur. Italy
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You know, even if I want to describe what the Temples of Humankind are like, I'm afraid I will not have enough human words. In my opinion, this place can not be described, you can and need to feel it yourself.

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However, I want to dwell on a few points that particularly impressed me, but about which you can not find much information

Hidden doors and halls

There are hidden rooms and doors in this place. And if you think that they will not show them to you, then you are mistaken. They will show them. I'm just sure that not everything, but some for sure. Each of the hidden halls of doors has its own “secret” - in one an interesting voice effect, in another - an unusual painting believed to have a healing effect. I would give you a hint - look at places, with Egyptian paintings and hieroglyphs, usually, there is something there%)

(с) Love Enqvist. Blue Hall. The small room at the entrance to the Temple of Humankind. Damanhur.
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Egypt paintings in The Temple of Humankind. Damanhur. Italy
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Figures of Damanhurrians

Almost in every room, you will find on the floor interesting figurines made of clay. These are the images of the Damanhurians themselves, which each member of the community brings to the Temple. Some of them are very interesting, so I advise you to take a closer look. The name and the image of the person in Damanhur bear a separate semantic load, about which it is possible to write a separate article (I will think about it %), but here I will briefly say that when making a figure, a person puts into it the qualities inherent in him or his name.

(c) Carlo Bevilaqua. Figures of Damanhurrians in the Hall of Metal.
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Figures of Damanhurrians. Clay production.
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A room painted personally by Falco (the founder)

When you are entering this room, your consciousness simply (is) “lost”. Compared to other Halls and rooms, this one is rather small. Its second feature is that this room is not the collective painting, but is the creation of only one person - the founder of Damanhur - Falco.

The Damanhurians say that Falco always said that he wants to reflect in this room all the knowledge that was given to him. His dream was that people who enter it would be able "read" and realize. At the moment, no one has figured out yet what Falco wanted people to realize, but probably the time will come when this dream of Falco will become reality as once his other dream - dream of the Temples to be built did.

Falco (Oberto Araudi) - the founder of Damanhur.
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Heart of the Temple

This place I will never forget! A small room with absolutely smooth glass spheres, filled according to the Damanhurians with alchemical fluid. For understanding - each of them takes about 5 years to be produced. All of them have their own meaning and part to be done in the whole process. I have a feeling of an inextricable and inexplicable connection with no reason at all as like I have been visiting a friend who I haven’t seen for a while.

The central part of the Temple. Damanhur. Italy.
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It is impossible to fully understand, but possible to see

Невозможно понять, но можно прикоснуться

They are to remind people that we are all capable of much more than we realize and that hidden treasures can be found within every one of us once you know how to access them”
Falco about the Temples.

So what do I want to say at the end? Damanhur is a place you can have different reactions to. Someone calls it a sect, to someone, it is a miracle of light, to someone it is just a miracle. But all converge in one - there is no such place on the Earth apart of like it.

This article is my perception of this place. And I would like to advise you to visit it if possible. You will have your emotions, your awareness and maybe even strolling along such interesting Halls or labyrinths, you will be able to realize one more dream of its founder - to understand what is your hidden treasures and how to get access to it. And maybe at this moment on Earth will be one more happy person, which I sincerely wish it to all.

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With love,


@ecotrain #ecotrain

This article is written in the framework of my support to @ecotrain project, which also use #ecotrain. I want to believe that more and more people will start to think about things that help to make the world a better place. (с)@ecotrain. I also hope that more and more writers on Steemit will support the movement started by @eco-alex and @icmultitudes . As I truly believe that we are one and helping others means you are helping yourself.

Click here to read more post from the passengers on the EcoTrain

You may also read my other articles.

Damanhur - con te * The 8 Miracle of the World or the amazing art and eco-community in Piedmont, Italy.Part 1.

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