SeanyTravels (Japan-Fukuoka) #10 Macdonalds serves Mini Hotcakes!

2 posts before this, I introduced everyone to one of my favourite cafes, Hoshino Coffee.
They serve really delicious and fluffy Souffle Pancakes.

But if you are in a rush for time, yet still want to grab a quick, tasty bite, this might just be your treat!


In Singapore, you normally can get the option of Hotcakes as a breakfast menu in Macdonalds. They are regular sized pancakes, and they smell really delicious. In Japan, it's a little different!

You are able to order it as a snack, any time of the day, and they come as... petit pancakes!


There are 6 of them, and the snack comes with a duo pack of applesauce and cream, which you can drizzle over. You can easily just stuff 6 of them into your mouth because they are really small, but don't do that of course. Enjoy them piece by piece.

It costs 200 Yen, so I would say that it's a pretty decent snack for that price!

I hope you get a chance to try it when travelling to Japan!

Check out my previous post in this series!
SeanyTravels (Japan-Fukuoka) #9 Visit to the Scenic 大濠公園 Ohori Park


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