SeanyTravels (Japan-Fukuoka) #4 Arita Porcelain Theme(d) Park!

We went really far that day, taking the Shinkansen Limited Express Huis Ten Bosch Train southwards towards Saga to find the Arita Porcelain Park. It was really not easy to find.


If you do a google search of 'Arita Porcelain Park' it will tell you that it is a 'theme park'. But by no means is there any rides. I think that 'themed park' as in 'porcelain being the theme of the park' is a more suitable way to describe it.


We set off just before noon and we went over to get our favourite Gyuudon to eat as Eki-Ben' on the train ride down.

大盛 Bowl for Good measure

It is always nice riding on the Shinkansen L.E train, as the seats are so comfortable and you get to enjoy a relaxing ride with great views out of the window.

Limited Express Huis Ten Bosch (more on that in another post!

what a wonderful sight

When we reached our destination, Arita, we realised that the buses were all not in operation that day.

We had 3 choices, either we walk there, cycle there, or get a cab.
We settled for the final option, but it was a costly one. It's the first time riding in a taxi in Japan, as I always knew that it was really expensive. And this time, I felt the pinch. Looking at the speed at which the metre jumps, I can't really describe it..

too expensive for my wallet

But after our difficulties with transport, we finally reached the Park!

at the entrance


at the end of the park

From the outside I would say it looked rather grand. It was sort of a crossover between those structures you see in Universal Studios, and an actual castle. It also reminded me a little of when I visited Versailles in Paris.

This place was actually recreated and modeled after a German village and palace called the 'Zwinger'. Behind the palace is the European styled garden. Take a look!



It was very very empty that day. It was good for photo taking, but also, it gave off a eerie sense of abandonment of the structure.

i don't know, ut the sign looks a little scary too


If you do a search online, you will find that Arita Porcelain ware is one of its kind. It is said that Arita is the main exporter of fine porcelain in the 17th century and it was really popular in Europe. The Arita Porcelain park also houses a Ceramic Kiln, but it was not in operation that day.

There were 2 places that were in operation that day though, and they were the souvenir shop as well as the museum.



Even though there were not many people that day, I was still entertained by other inhabitants of this park, the ducks! They were swimming around the pond and waddling around the entire premises, so that was quite fun to watch.

I then spotted some large chess pieces at the front again when walking back, and there you can see some Arita Porcelain style designs on them too!


It was a really long trip out and back home, and we slept on the train ride back due to fatigue. Before you visit this place, do check out the bus operation timings as well as whether there are activities happening at the park! It would definitely have been more fun with more things in operation!

Check out my previous post in this series!
SeanyTravels (Japan-Fukuoka) #3 Fukuoka Tower & Momochi Seaside Park


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