SeanyTravels (Japan-Fukuoka) #6 I'll eat this every time I visit Japan

Let's talk about Food today!

Do you have a to-go food place every time you visit a country that you like?

I definitely do, and it's not just one place. There are a few places that I must go on every trip to Japan and this is one of them.



I think that it is a Korean Fast food chain, but I haven't been there to try it yet. The quality of the food they serve in the Japan chains is perfect. I am pleasantly surprised by them each time I visit.

There is always something new and innovative on the menu, maybe based on seasonality, but each meal tastes superb.

bacon burgers, fries and my favourite Melon Soda!

size is average

side dish: boneless chicken cutlet

They don't have this chain in Singapore though.
I really like that they have this burger that tastes a little like sausage mcmuffin but you can order it any time of the day.

I have other Must-Go Food places for the following food as well, can you guess which places they are?

  1. Ramen
  2. Barbecue Meat
  3. Another fast food restaurant

I'll bring more delicious posts to you soon!

Check out my previous post in this series!
SeanyTravels (Japan-Fukuoka) #5 My Visit to the LINE Friends Shop and Cafe!


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