Experiencing The Robot Restaurant In Tokyo - Highlights Of Traveling Japan

One of the most memorable experiences in Tokyo, was our visit to the famous Robot Restaurant. We were actually very fortunate to be able to go. Tickets sell out fast. 

The Robot Restaurant dinner show can be found in the Shinjuku district of Tokyo, known for its wild nightlife and neon signs.  

Tickets are expensive and some question if the show is worth the price tag. I will say that Michelle and myself thoroughly enjoyed the show, but once you've seen it, you've seen it. You know?

When you first walk in to the Robot Restaurant you will notice pictures of celebrities all over the wall. I snapped a few pics of the people I recognized.

The top floor features a bar and an entertainment area. The decorations at the restaurant are on major chrome and color overload.

@slickwilly and @curiouser sitting down to enjoy the show:

Our friend @where-is-mer joined us for the event.

The food was simple and over priced, but we were there for the show.

The show is performed in the long empty middle section while the audience views from both sides:

All audience members were given light wands right before the show:

The Show 

The Robot Restaurant show consists of 3 short stories told with robots, dinosaurs, and people in wild costumes. I don't recall the exact details and story lines, but I do remember being entertained 100% of the time.

Fun fact: the restaurant reportedly cost over $100 million USD to build.

Enjoy the pictures and stay tuned for a DTUBE video of the Robot Restaurant!

Most of the floats and robots were driven by people on the side with remote controls:

Michelle and I took a month to travel across Japan and China this past May (2017). It was epic! Follow me, @slickwilly and Michelle, @curiouser for posts about our adventures!   

 Hi there, I’m Will.  First and foremost I am an entrepreneur and voluntaryist.  I aspire to help build a more free world, one that we all want to live in.  Some of my biggest passions include cryptocurrencies, marketing, finance, cannabis, traveling, bodybuilding, snowboarding, motorcycles, and Subarus.  All pictures are my own unless otherwise stated.  I release everything under CC0.  

My website: williamjohnsonlong.com  
Affiliated Steemit Accounts: @bitcoinshirtz @trueliberty  

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