The Great Wall Of China - The Badaling Section | Highlights Of Traveling China

Known as the "key to Northern China", The Badaling Great Wall exists as one of the best and most prominent parts of China's 13,000 mile Great Wall. It was truly amazing to behold!

On May 24, 2017, Michelle and I traveled with our tour group to see one of the greatest symbols of China, The Great Wall. Located in the Yanging district of Beijing, the Badaling Great Wall occupies a very strategic part of the structure, protecting the Juyongguan Pass and the city of Beijing. Badaling (八达岭) also features one of the highest towers on all of the Great Wall. Number 8 tower (Beibalou  北八樓 ) sits over 3,000 ft above sea level. 

This portion of the Great Wall was built in 1504 during the Ming Dynasty. It is sometimes called the Ming Wall. Badaling is the best known and best preserved portion of the Great Wall. The fortification was started by Emperor Qin Shi Huang in the third century B.C. to prevent attacks from the nomadic tribes of the north. The labor force responsible for building the wall comprised mostly soldiers and convicts. Sadly, over 400,000 people died during the construction. Some were even buried within the wall . The Great Wall was mainly built from rammed earth, stones, and wood. However, when the Ming Dynasty continued to build the structure they turned to bricks, tiles, lime, and stone.

Witnessing the Great Wall was truly amazing. The structure is recognized as one of the most impressive architectural feats in history and I can see why. In 1987, UNESCO designated it as a world heritage site.

We hiked a couple miles of the Great Wall. It was a steep climb, but well worth it. I wish we could have stayed longer, but our tour group was on a schedule. I did however, capture the experience on multiple cameras and we were graced with beautiful weather. The Samsung camera on my S7 did great but the GoPro really shined with the wide angle lens. You can really get a feel for how vast and wonderful the country side is in Northern China. 

Enjoy my pictures! I will also be posting a video of the Great Wall on DTube!

Panoramas of The Great Wall of China

Did you know that The Great Wall CAN NOT be seen from space with the naked eye? This is an extremely popular myth. The wall is long, just not that wide.  

Great Wall Photos Captured With My GoPro Hero 4 Black

Enjoying a quick vape at the top! 👍

Great Wall Photos Captured With My Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge 

Michelle and I took a month to travel across Japan and China last May (2017). It was epic! Follow me, @slickwilly and Michelle, @curiouser for posts about our travel adventures!

 Hi there, I’m Will. First and foremost I am an entrepreneur and voluntaryist. I aspire to help build a more free world, one that we all want to live in. Some of my biggest passions include cryptocurrencies, marketing, finance, cannabis, traveling, bodybuilding, snowboarding, motorcycles, and Subarus. All pictures are my own unless otherwise stated. I release everything under CC0.

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