My travel—The Mysterious Forbidden City, Beijing 神秘紫禁城,北京之旅 by @mrpointp

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    Original text/原文如下:

    Hello, Dear steemit friends, I am @mrpointp. First of all, I want to thank @someone for sharing and publishing my article. At the same time, thank all the friends for your encouragement and appreciation.大家好,我是 @mrpointp,首先真的感谢 @someone的大力支持,才能让我的文章让更多的人看到,也感谢支持我的朋友!

    A friend asked me why I haven't introduced the most symbolic building—the Place Museum yet? Of course, as the wonderful part of this trip, now I will take my dear friends to have a  look at this mysterious Forbidden City!
    First, I'd like to share with you the brief-introduction. The Palace Museum is also called the Forbidden City, the imperial of the Ming(1368-1644) and Qing(1644-1911) dynasties, is the representative of the Chinese classical architecture. It contains over 70 palaces and around 9000 houses, is the largest and best-preserved imperial palace complex extant in China.

    Today, I will introduce the Forbidden City in the order of the central axis, the so-called central axis is from the Meridian Gate to the Gate of Deevine Might(Shenwu Gate), throughout the Forbidden City, including several important gates, palaces and Imperial Garden(Yu huayuan).(as you can see from the photo above)

    Meridian Gate(Wu Men) 午门

    We went into the Meridian Gate through the Tian'anmen Gate Tower. The Meridian Gate is the main gate of the Forbidden City,which has four entrances(Merdian Gate, Shenwu Gate, DongHua Gate and XiHua Gate). Standing in front of the Meridian Gate, I can think of the emperor in the film and TV play went out of this gate with the protection of the military. It's so cool! The entrance in the middle of the gate is only for the emperor. When the emperor got married, the express can also enter through this. In addition, the champion, the 2nd place and the 3rd one in imperial examination at that time can also go from here.

    To enter the palace, we need to walk past the Tian'anmen Gate Tower.


    This is the Meridian Gate.

    Supreme Harmony Gate( TaiHe Gate) 太和门

    It is the portal of the Outer Court, where the emperor held grand ceremonies. HongShing, Xuande, Zhengtong emperor ascended the throne here.


    Hall of Supreme Harmony(TaiHe Dian) 太和殿

    Among the numerous palaces, this palace has left a deep impression on me. It can be considered splendid and magnificent. The ten little beasts on each corner of its roof stand for the royal power. The more the beasts the palace has, the more power it represents. The Hall of Supreme Harmony is commonly known as the Hall of Golden Bells(Jinluan Dian), one of the biggest palaces of the Forbidden City, was the site of grand ceremonies in the Ming Ming and Qing dynasties, including the emperor's enthronement, imperial weddings, the announcement of the Palace Examination results and the launching of major military expeditions.


    This is the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

    The sundial(Rigui) was used in pre-modern China to tell the time by measuring the shadow cast by the sun.

    This is the drainage hole of the Forbidden City, still carved with the shape of the heads of dragons.

    Hall of Preserving Harmony(Baohe Dian) 保和殿

    The Ming dynasty emperors, before going to the court, often changed their clothes in this hall. The Shunzhi and Kangxi emperors lived here and the wedding ceremony of the Shunzhi Emperor was also held in this hall. In the 54th year of the Qianlong Emperor's regin, this hall became the site for Palace Examinations.


    Hall of Central Hatmony( Zhonghe Dian) 中和殿

    It is located bewteen the former two palaces, which was commonly used as a place for the emperor's rest. Also, the emperor would review the addresses.


    Gate of Heavenly Purity( Qianqing Men) 乾清门

    Walking through the Hall of Preserving Harmony, you can get here. It belongs to the Inner Court. That is to say, the emperor lived with his empress and concubines in this palace. It is the main entrance of the Inner Court.


    Palace of Heavenly Purity( Qianqing gong)乾清宫

    This place was where the emperor dealt with routine government affairs. Until the Emperor Yongzheng, he moved to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. But, this palace was also considered as one of the places for emperor to deal with affairs.


    PS: That day, I didn't go past the two palaces, so I'm sorry that the photos can not be offered. If you are interested, you can search the Internet.

    Hall of Union and Peace(Jiaotai Dian)交泰殿

    It was the place for the empress to receive the presents offered by princes, dukes and high-ranking officials.


    Palace of Earthly Tranquillity(Kunning gong) 坤宁宫

    We can often see the part of the Palace of Earthly Tranquillity in the films and TV plays. I always think this place has something mysterious. It was served as the residence of the empress in the Ming Dynasty.


    When visiting the Forbidden City, the other photos are taken. Now, I'd like to share with you.

    The corner of the palace


    Nine Dragon Screen

    The four of us are resting near the Shenwu Gate.

    The mineral water in the palace has its special pack.

    What the Forbidden City attracts me is not only its magnificence but also the glorious history of the Ming and Qing dynasties in China for centuries. The Forbidden City represents the prosperity and power of ancient China. Chinese descendants come here and review the wonderful history, which is amazing.
    As the weather is so hot, we only stay in the Forbidden City for half day. In fact, it takes a whole day to walk through all the places. Next time, I will arrange other time to pay a visit comprehensively. Today, what I have shared is just part of the Forbidden City. If you are interested in this, come and visit the Forbidden City, which is worth it.

    故宫吸引我的地方不只是它的雄伟壮观,更因为中国明清两朝数百年的历史都在此辉煌过,紫禁城代表着古代中国的昌盛与强大。后人们来到这里,回顾历史的精彩,是一种很奇妙的感受。 由于天气炎热,我们只在故宫观摩了半天时间。实际上故宫需要一整天才能全部走完,下次我会选择其他时间来故宫,好好地观赏一下这里。我所分享的只是故宫的一部分,如果大家对此感兴趣,去看一看故宫,很值得的。

    Here is my other related post about the Forbidden City, you can click here(My Travel— The Treasures in the Forbidden City (Original) /北京之行 故宫(紫禁城)里的珍宝—珍宝馆主要展品介绍).

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    Author @mrpointp, Posted By @someone

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