The Camino de Santiago (Spain)? An exceptional route - #part1

This is my travelogue about my Trip on the Road to Santiago!

You can find the other posts about my trip here:

The Camino de Santiago? An exceptional route - #part1

The Camino de Santiago - Some history #part2

My personal journey on the Cammino de Santiago #part3


I start my post series about #travels with the Camino di Santiago, Spain, that I made last summer with two friends.
It has been an important experience for my traveler life and I think everybody should do a similar experience.
Why should you start the Camino?

Often, there are no real reasons. You should ask yourself what is the reason why you’ve got this will to travel every time. Why do you pack your things and go and discover new places, new people, new cultures?

Because I have this deep, inner desire to know, to see, to move, to travel, to suddenly stop and admire unknown places.
As the quote says: “Those who stop dreaming are lost”. As well those who stop moving. Probably this is the real philosophy at the bottom of myself. This is what lead me to leave.

I read an article on the web, sometime ago. I watched pictures on a blog, I spoke about them with a friend, I had the need to take off and disappear into the nature for some days at least. I wanted to do something I had never done before.
Just me, my backpack and my sneakers, ready to go along with my breath, my legs and my will power.


Probably a week is not enough to really, deeply enter within the spirit of the Camino, but it is surely enough to understand that what you are only depends by you. We’re so small in this world, as a seagull that flies on the ocean with its wings wide open.
Many people to the Camino because of faith, to research a lost spirituality, to contrast a sad event or to create a special, unique moment, unforgettable and linked to something special.

Many others do it to understand, to know, to discover and to think while listening to a gentle music on a riverside, listening to the wind within the trees.

Every reason is a good reason, every things that brings you to do this unforgettable experience is the right one. The important thing is to start walking, step by step, for hundreds of miles.

Keep following me! I'll post the whole itinerary and other tips about the Camino di Santiago :)


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