Sweet Journey: Discovering the Legend of Hainan. 一片海湾的美丽传说



Greetings fellow Steemians! Today we're taking a trip to Hainan Island, situated in the most Southern part of China. Have you heard of the place before? Let me introduce it anyway.. Hainan Island (including its maritime waters) is China's largest province in terms of area. It's development has been under the watchful eye of many Chinese people. Hainan is situated in the tropics, as such has a hot climate all year round and has monsoon seasons. Because of its favourable climate, Hainan is a popular destination for people wishing to escape the cold and go on winter holiday. For some, Hainan has become a real contender for their permanent residence.


Natural Coastline Landscape

Hainan has around 1600 Kilometres of coastline and has many excellent quality beaches. The east coast is known as one of the most beautiful shorelines in the world. I would recommend renting a car, and driving along the east coast. Taking any exit off the highway will give you the opportunity to see magnificent views. Take note, that any place labelled as 'bay' will have particularly good scenery and views to die for. For example XiangShui Bay, QingShui bay and Hai Tang bay just to name a few.. After visiting several Bay areas, the one that left the deepest impression is none other than Dahua Jiao bay. Because of it's location, Dahua Jiao bay is considered a strategic military position and is guarded by troops. It's military importance means that tourists are discouraged but not restricted from visiting this bay area. On our route to the Dahua Jiao bay, we stumbled across a bunch of dead branches piled up very high like a wall blocking us. It's purpose is to obscure the path to the bay. Luckily, we were with people experienced with the matter and they were able to help us navigate through and around these barriers.



Embracing the Bay

As we move forward, you can hear the sound of the waves beating against the shore. You won't find white sandy beaches here, instead you'll see deep waves battering against plethora of tightly packed pebble stones. The terrain here forms an M shape, with North and South dividing the front Anshan and rear Anshan. I'm standing right in the middle of the M.

When I arrived here, it happened to be at the same time as the Lantern festival. When celebrating this festival, people usually eat sticky rice dumplings, how fitting that the pebble rocks look so similar to these dumplings!
Credit to azg168



A Beautiful Folk Tale

A beautiful place has an equally beautiful story to accompany it. According to legend, Dahua Jiao was home to some fisherman villagers who had inhabited the area for quite some time. Due to some natural disaster, the villagers became victims of famine. Along the shore, a villager feinted due to severe hunger and a pair of turtles swimming by happened to spot the poor villager. Without hesitation, the female turtle swam to shore and continuously laid eggs in an attempt to save the villager. Luckily, the villager was saved by the turtle's kind gesture. Unfortunately for the turtle, her kindness laying so many eggs resulted in her exhausting herself to the brink of her last breath. The male turtle remained by her side, itself going without food or water until both tragically passed away. The two turtles eventually became the two mountains, front Anshan and rear Anshan. The eggs laid by the turtles eventually turned hard and became the pebble rocks seen at Dahua Jiao today. They remain there today in remembrance and honour of the turtles who unconditionally gave their lives to save the people in distress.
This tragic yet touching story embodies the beauty of Hainan Island and it's unique topology. Without a doubt, the region has a very unique appeal, whether for it's history, landscape or environment.











If you are interested in my other blogs related to travel please check out these other blogs below

Kissing Santorini's Magical Blue Sea.
Uncovering the secrets of the River Cam in Cambridge.
My adventure to Tenerife.
My 12 hour vacation in Portugal.
A visual and literary account of my travels to Nepal.


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