Real Life Captured #51: Fresh Food Market Krabi Town Thailand and a Tribute to Pomelo, Thai Muslims, and Bali Indonesia! Part Two (21 photos)

Hey there my Steemit friends! Not too long ago I stayed in Krabi Town for a couple weeks and I got very familiar with the local "Fresh Food Market". As you may already know I love markets, anywhere in the world! This market is one the best in this small city of about 60,000 people. They have a great selection of fresh prepared fruit; some of it is on ice and all of it is ready to eat.

Here at the market we can see a woman selling one of my favorite fruits, jackfruit! She is taking pieces out of that huge green pod. She does this every morning and it's very fresh. If you've never tried jackfruit it tastes a lot like juicy fruit gum; which is actually flavored after this fruit. They'll sell you a nice size bag of it for 60 cents (20 Thai baht).

Pomelos are here!

Another gem of a fruit you can find at this market is the red pamelo. Pamelo is from the citrus family. It's like a cross between a giant grape fruit and orange. I recently enjoyed this fruit in Laos which is where a few of these photos were taken showing the fruit up close. I also did a post on the incredible health benefits of this Travel Super Food!

At this market they sell several different varieties of pomelo and I like them all. You can see it displayed along with some cut up mango in the photo above. Yellow pomelo is more grapefruit tasting and is the cheapest, about $1.20 for a package. This kind of pomelo is not very sweet at all and is generally people's least favorite.

Then you have the pink pomelo. This one is definitely more sweet, but still has that very noticeable grapefruit flavor going on. This one sells for $1.60. Then you have the red pomelo; the crown jewel of pomelos and here is Krabi is the only place I've ever seen them.

After trying the red pomelo for the first time I believe that I discovered a new favorite fruit of mine all together. This thing is very sweet, surprisingly sweet! It's juicier than the other two. The jewels of juice are softer; like thin mini membrane encased balls of juice. These little jewels of juice easily burst in your mouth offering an explosion of sweet flavor.

There's a reason this one sells for $1.90 a pack. Its probably the most expensive fruit at this market. But take if from me, it's well worth it! You don't want to come to Krabi without trying it, I'm sure you'll be amazed and end up buying it more then once. I had to have it almost every day.

The Muslim influence in Southern Thailand and in South East Asia

Another thing you may notice at this market are Thai women wearing the Muslim head scarf. Thailand's southern region has many more Thai Muslims than Central and Northern Thailand. This is due to Muslim Sea Gypseas hundreds of years ago inhabiting the Thai Islands and spreading out around this area.

As you go further south into South East Asia the populations become more Muslim. South of Thailand is Malaysia another country I'm familiar with. This country has a much higher population of Muslims. Then south of that is Indonesia which actually has the largest Muslim population in the world of over 200 million.

With all the talk about the Middle East this statistic may actually be surprising to many. I've spent two months bicycling the circumference of Bali Indonesia several years ago and I don't recall seeing hardly any Muslims. Bali is Balinese Hindu. While visiting I saw they really have this island to themselves. There are very few Indonesian Muslims there at all. It's almost as if Bali is it's own little country.

The Muslims at this market and Thailand in general are some of the nicest people you can meet. In fact all the Thai people are incredibly friendly. The Thai Muslims have a real knack for making Thai curry, and they make it a little spicier too. So at this market you can see that is often what they are selling while the Buddhist Thais are busy frying chicken and selling fruit among other things.

Shopping at markets like these are a real pleasure. Not only is the food fresh and clean, the Thais are all very friendly and offer service with a smile. After all Thailand isn't called "The Land of Smiles" for nothing. Now come along and let's check out the Fresh Food Market in Krabi Town Thailand!

Fresh Food Market Krabi Town Thailand!

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With over 11 years of travel experience I answer travel and international lifestyle questions. Leave a question in the comments and I may make a Steemit post just for you!

Photo Credit: World Travel Pro!

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