Travel Pro Adventure #9: Kayaking, Caving, and Discovering the "Ancient Alien" Cave Paintings in Krabi Thialand! Part Two (24 photos)

Hey there my Steemit friends! Welcome to the second haft of our adventure kayaking through caves in Krabi Thailand. What a great tour for only twenty dollars. Thailand has to be one of the best places when it comes to value for your money. Sure you can go to India, Cambodia, and other countries and do stuff for cheap; but when it comes to sheer quality vs expense Thailand reigns supreme as far as I'm concerned.

In part one we launched off in our Kayaks and visited the "Ghost Cave" also known as "Skull Cave" as human skulls were found inside. More interesting than that were the ancient cave paintings dating back 3,000 years! What made these painting so bizarre is that they were of a non human, humanoid creature.

Many locals think the whole "Ghost" thing is rubbish and actually believe that the painting is of an alien being. One painting is of a hand with six fingers along side of a hand with five fingers. Seeing these paintings high up on the ceiling of the cave where only a serious ladder or stair case could reach kind of made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. It was very strange to say the least.

This tour was a lot of fun. We got some good exercise kayaking all afternoon and enjoying such beautiful nature. Floating on your own kayak through caves and mangrove forest is an experience I'll never forget. Now come along and let's get paddling!

I really like this photo so I used it as my header for this post, but we don't head into this cave just yet.

Upon leaving the "Ghost Cave" with the cave paintings we re-board our kayaks and follow our guide not knowing what we'll see next.

Looks like the group got ahead of us again as I was fumbling with the camera. Oh well, as long as I don't drop this thing in the water I'm happy!

Ok we caught back up. The guide really knows his way around. Suddenly we are off from the main river and floating through a mangrove forest. Seems like we are headed towards a limestone cliff.

Oh wow! This is trippy, c'mon, let's go!

We have to duck underneath this rock hanging down, then we pop out the other side!

Wow, this place looks like something out of Jurassic Park. We are totally enclosed. Only one way in and one way out. None of us have ever seen anything like it. The cliffs that surrounded us must be several hundred feet high. The guide tells us most tours don't come here, but this is personally one his favorite places in the national park. I'm certainly happy to visit this almost eerie isolated spot. We hang out here for a short while then we head back out.

We continue along the side of this cliff. To our right it looks like this whole landscape is riddled with caves.

Suddenly we are back on the main river. Apparently we are not the only tour group. Looks like we've actually run into traffic. Let's try not to get into a head on kayak collision!

As we veer off on a secondary river channel we pass this sign kind of sticking out of nowhere.

We soon see the entrance of this cave. Looks like we are going to float ourselves right inside of it.

It's a little tricky to get good photos with such poor "cave" lighting. But I'm doing the best I can. Regardless this is one cool place. Let's paddle around and check it out!

After a short while we exit the cave. A good fifteen minutes later and some serious paddling against the water's current, we find our selves back at the dock.

We are served some green curry shrimp fried rice which I unfortunately forgot to photograph as I was enjoying conversing with our new friends from Singapore. After finishing our meal we had a little bit of time so we walked over to a shop. The owner was kind enough to take a photo of us. In Travel Pro Fashion I often get used to not wearing a shirt especially in this kind of hot sunny weather.

In Southern Thailand where there are many beaches and tourist it's very socially acceptable. When I stayed on the island of Koh Phagnan for a month, I don't think I put a shirt on once! Most guys didn't either as it was just pools and beeches all day everyday! However after seeing this photo I'm thinking I should hit the gym, I'm looking a bit thin.

What a great day it has been! I just love the outdoors; and kayaking through the caves and seeing the ancient and mysterious cave paintings, wow this was quite an experience! If you missed it need to see it here in part one. My Steemit friends, thank you so much for coming along! Until next time -Dan "World Travel Pro!"

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With over 11 years of travel experience I answer travel and international lifestyle questions. Leave a question in the comments and I may make a Steemit post just for you!

Photo Credit: World Travel Pro!

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