Travel Pro Deals #2: Three Travel Pro Deals Found in Ecuador!

Hey there my Steemit friends. Welcome to another round of Travel Pro deals where I highlight all the incredible deals that can be found as I travel the globe. I thoroughly enjoy finding a good deal. I genuinely get excited when I find a product that is a fraction of the price than what I'd have to pay in my home country of the United States. Now let's have a look at three more "Travel Pro Deals" I've found in Ecuador!


I love high quality nuts! Normally inexpensive items are products made in the country not imports; however these walnuts and almonds are products of nearby Chili! Even though they are imported the price is still fantastic depending on where you purchase them.

If bought in a western style supermarket the price is about 50% to 100% more expensive. That is about ten dollars a pound and they are often sold for about five dollars in eight ounce bags. The deals are to be found in the old style open air markets. The going rate is $6 a pound for walnuts and $6.50 a pound for almonds all throughout the country.

You will also see peanuts for sale all over Ecuador. They are the least expensive of all the nuts. You can buy them shelled for as little as a dollar a pound. This includes good quality freshly ground peanuts, which is peanut butter!

Don't forget they only have this in the open air markets. Western style supermarkets in Ecuador will usually only carry import brands like Skippy and are about eight dollars a jar! So make sure to look for these in the open air markets. Once we start branching out into the world of nuts things start to become a bit more expensive.

Pecans, Pistachio, Macadamia, Cashews, and Brazil nuts if you can even find them are are all imported from further distances and at higher prices. So these nuts are sometimes even more expensive than in western countries!

I recently saw a six ounce can of pistachio nuts for $8.50 at a local super market, just to give you an idea. Pecans in an open air market were selling for $12 a pound. So when in Ecuador walnuts, almonds, and peanuts are the "Travel Pro Deals" to be had when it comes to nuts!


Cilantro! You may be thinking why would you ever buy this when visiting a country. If you're "Travel Pro" enough to do some "Travel Pro Hotel Cooking" you would be amazed at how much cilantro thirty cents buys. I recently went to the open air market to buy this as an ingredient for a stir-fry I was going to make for diner.

In Spanish I told the lady, "not much only thirty cents worth please". Well I should have bought five cents worth. She ended up giving me at least a pound of cilantro for thirty cents. I had so much cilantro most of it ended up going bad and I had to throw it out.


I really enjoy making soup in my hotel room on days I just want to stay in, relax, and catch up on my Steemit blog. Having a bone broth soup boiling away for hours while I work on my computer really gives me the feeling of being home in a domestic environment, which I do miss from time to time.

What I love about making soup is that you can really incorporate just about any vegetables you can get your hands on. I really like cabbage and it's very healthy too. Here in Ecuador it's incredibly inexpensive no matter where you buy it. I got this half a head of cabbage for 25 cents at the near by open air market in the city of Guayaquil.

Even I'm sometimes surprised with how much they give me. I just say in Spanish "Give me 25 cents worth please" and just take what I'm given. Good thing I have a decent idea of the going rate for this stuff. If I asked for a dollar's worth I'd be eating cabbage soup all week!

All my fellow travelers don't just wait to come to Ecuador to take advantage of these great deals. Where ever you are there are great deals to be had specific to each country and even down to an exact location! So be smart, travel smart, and don't blow your travel budget when there are always great Travel Pro Deals to be found! Until next time- Dan "World Travel Pro!"

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With over 11 years of travel experience I answer travel and international lifestyle questions. Leave a question in the comments and I may make a Steemit post just for you!

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