Travel Pro Gear #3: Three Travel Pro Items You Need to be Travel Pro! Part Two

My steemit friends, you may be thinking "Really, you're going to do a post on your nail clippers?". Absolutely! To me they are more than just nail clippers all the items you see here are some of the most valuable things I own. Not like they are worth a lot of money. They obviously are not, but to me they are very valuable.

When you live out of a backpack like I have for the large majority of the past 15 years. You only have space for a certain amount of items. You really have to think about what is important. What can't you live without. What is worth taking everywhere you go. This is what the Travel Pro Gear Series is about. So lets get into our first item now.

Nail Clippers

This is quite self explanatory. Unless you have a serious habit of biting your nails, toes included yuk! My brother actually did that, talk about anxiety issues. Disgusting. Nail clippers are a must have item for anybody. Otherwise how are you going to cut your nails? Never long term travel with out them...Nail Clippers! Check!

USB Charger

This is my USB charger. I use it to charge my camera and my $65 dollar smart phone I bought in Mexico, new! I can also charge these items through my laptop, but sometimes it's more convenient to use this plug-in USB charger. I have used it many times in airports and hotels around the world. I think this actually came with my Chinese made Mexican Phone, and has yet to fail me. Everyone knows how important it is to keep your devices working. It's 2018! Can't travel or live without a USB charger!

Dental Floss

Yes dental floss. You will notice a theme in this series. Products of hygiene. When traveling these kind of items can become invaluable. I actually carry this everywhere I go. That means I keep it in my day bag backpack, when I'm walking around exploring new areas. The worst is getting something stuck in your teeth and you just can't do much about it. By the looks of this dental floss, it's lasted a long time, but I assure you the floss inside is as good as new!

Not To be Missed!

Real Life Captured #43: New Year's Eve in Guayaquil Ecuador! Final Part Three (14 photos)

Travel Pro Health #9: Lemon Grass from the Markets in Chiang Mai Thailand

Travel Pro Gear #2: Five Travel Pro Items You Need to be Travel Pro! Part One

Real Life Captured #37: Santa Clara Market Quito Ecuador! Part Two (10 photos)

Real Life Captured #40: Buddhist Temples of Chiang Mai Thailand and Historic Summary of the City! (14 photos)

Real Life Captured #44: The Salvation Army in Ft Lauderdale Florida, United States!

With over 11 years of travel experience I answer travel and international lifestyle questions. Leave a question in the comments and I may make a Steemit post just for you!

Photo Credit: World Travel Pro!

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