Travel Super Foods #7: Watermelon in Thailand!

Hey there my steemit friends. For all you travelers out there, you should know that one of many things Thailand does right is grow some of the best fruit on the planet. They certainly have the right tropical climate to do so. In a market on the Island of Koh Phagnan I recently I found myself staring down a beautiful dark green watermelon. I had to have it!

I bought it for 60 baht or about two dollars. After bringing it back to my hotel, being the curious guy that I am I wanted to know the health benefits of this popular fruit. After a little research online I was blown away. Watermelon really is a super food and here is why.

Watermelon is about 92% water, so it keeps you hydrated while giving you a nice dose of fiber helping keep you regular too. It's high in lycopene which has been proven to prevent cancer growth. It's high in potassium, vitamin B, and a bunch of other essential minerals giving you energy and keeping your body functioning correctly.

Watermelon is a great water transmitter meaning as you digest it, it will pull out excess water in your body stored through inflammation "water weight". It will flatten out your stomach and your jaw line may come back after several days of eating this super food.

It lowers cholesterol and is good for your heart. It's a good source of vitamin C. It's a natural anti-inflammatory. It reduces oxidative stress, which is basically cancer causing free radicals in the body; being high in antioxidants watermelon combats that issue head on.

An amino acid found in watermelon called citrulline has been proven to relieve muscle soreness and bring the heart rate back to a normal pace faster after exertion. It has vitamin A making it good for your skin and eyes.

Be careful if you are sensitive to sugar it may not be best to eat too much. For example those on an anti-candida diet or suffering complications from diabetes. However the sugar is natural, making it the best form to have anyway. Besides all these great benefits. Watermelon taste good too.

Also don't let anyone tell you that you can't eat the seeds. Chew them up to make them bio-available and you get a bunch of protein and other benefits as well. If you don't chew them, you pass them out the other end like a bird, and might accidentally plant a watermelon vine if you make in the woods!

They are fun to eat too. The watermelon I got was pretty small. I cut that baby in half and went to town on it with a spoon! A few hours later I attacked the other half. It was sweet and tasty. So eat your watermelon and enjoy! Until next time. -Dan "World Travel Pro!"

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World Travel Pro Hits 750 Followers and Turns Full Time Steemit Travel Blogger! A Special Thank You to My Steemit Friends!

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Photo Credit: World Travel Pro!

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