Hitchhiking adventures in Italy - Lago di Bolsena #5

What is more contemplating than looking at natural water? We can feel the connection with this life spending element within and without our bodies. 08-09.06.2014

I already wrote that it was hard for me to leave beautiful Tuscania in the last post but since it was so hot my friend and me were also eager to jump into a cool lake. But first we had to get up and pack our tent. Then we started walking, and walking, and walking. For several hours almost no car passed by and the view that did would have rather run us over than taking some strollers like us. Then finally, when our water had run out and the heat made us sit down next to the road, finally a car stopped and took us all the way to lago di Bolsena.

Our drivers were a very nice couple and their two year old son. The way they behaved with their child taught me a lot about what kind of parent I want to become one day. One extraordinary thing was for example that they used to talk in three different languages with the child. Of course their native language Italian but also English since they found it was a fundamental language to know and to our surprise German. The father of the child had German parents so he could speak German with his son and with us.

Another impressive thing was that they let their son play on his own when he felt like it but also patiently answered his questions when he asked something. Eventhough he was pretty young the boy showed a great interest in a lot of things, especially technology and he loved to check out all kinds of machinery.

This lovely family took us to their favorite lake site cafe. This is the place :)

If you ever have the chance to go there, I strongly recommend you to have the cappucchino, the espresso and the tiramisu as well. Thanks a lot to our drivers, who invited us for this dainties.

This was so tempting. Of course we did not have half an hour break after eating before jumping into this refreshing cool lake.

What a bliss to enjoy a cool bath on a hot day :)

This was also the day I first tried Akro Yoga and fell in love with it. There was a nice young couple next to the beach practicing for some hours. First I was afraid to ask but then I decided it was wearth a try. First I joined the sun salutation the girl did to warm up then her boyfriend showed me how to move on this feet and after a view tries I could "fly". Because it had been hard for me to afford classes the last years I did not have the chance to do Akro Yoga so regular but I practiced with my friend @antonrodenhauser sometimes.

Since the place was to beautiful we wanted to stay another night and decided to camp at the camping ground next to the cafe. A night was 5 Euro per person but I can not really recommend it. Eventhough the place where we could put our tent had an amazing view it was no good for the floor was covered with some kind of thorny plant that did not allow us to walk barefeet around our tent and hurt us when we only wore flipflops.

In the evening we met some nice German travellers on the camping ground next to the beach. They were super funny pensioners that knew a lot of old German songs we sang together. Also they invited us to drink some nice red wine with them which made me forget to write down which songs we sang.

In the next post I will show you the way to Pitigliano, one of the most enchanted places you can imagine and a place we just could not leave... If you want to read the previous posts I made about this journey check them out here:

The way to Ostia - 1
Ostia Antica -1.1
Bracciano -2
Viterbo -3
Tuscania -4

Lots of Light and Love <3

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