Travel Norway #10 - Innerdalen -First Summer trip to Trollheimen National Park - Day 1

Hello Friends!

Welcome all to my new part of photo guide to Norway. In this one - we are coming back to Trollheimen mountains but this time in summer time. My first summer visit in Innerdalen valley took place in August 2015. I invite You all to read the post and to watch the gallery.

It was really hard to pick the shots for this post because there was so many interesting frames I wanted to share. Finally dicided to prepare even more than I already had. Great trips deserves little more time and attention ;)...


The plan was to spend 2 days in Innerdalen valley and its surroundings. First day I was going to explore right side of the valley, after come back to the car for a night and next day walk again up the valley, to explore left side of it... it wasn't the best plan I made, but I did it. But, from the beginning:

First nice view after we are leaving the big car park - on the right side - glacier area on high parts of Vinnufjhellet mountain. I still have a plan to go there up, to see the glacier from the closer distance - plan which I haven't fullfilled yet - but one day I will!


Going up the trail to Innerdalen, don't forget to look back! Amazing view on the valley from which we came from - Viromdalen.


After reaching the highest point of the trail - one of the most epic landscape in Innerdalen appears - view on the whole valley, with characteristic mountain Innerdalstårnet (1452m) and biggest lake - Innerdalsvatna. This view I shoot in every season of the year. Look amazing every single time!


The shores of the Innerdalsvatna lake are fantastic photo-spot. With the view on the mountains on other side - especially the most amazing summit of Innerdalstårnet. Using the different ground motives we can build up different frames on a quite small area.


Every time I visited the place I took different shots depending of the weather and lighting conditions...


The place is great for setting up the tent or just to stop by for the longer while, to rest after walk from parking area. I didn't mention about the path - it leads up all the way, it is quite steep in few parts but I think every can reach the valley sooner or later ;). Like for me - avarage mountaineer with poor condition - 30-40 minutes are enough to reach the valley.




On the other side of the lake, following the main foot path, we are reaching beautiful settlement called Renndølsetra.


Renndølsetra is a small gathering of wooden cottages with traditional architecture and grass covered roofs. The area is still used for grazing sheeps and other farm animals.


In one of the buildings we can buy freshly made local products, drink coffee, relax and rest. Locally made sour cream, butter, jams from berries can be eaten or taken away in a box. I had the great pleasure to taste these things after my second day trip - I was totally exhausted but this meal gave me extra strenght and positive energy to stand up and go back to car safely... The prices arent low but totally worth it! I took some extra stuff back to home, my wife was very happy :).


Buildings of the Renndølsetra are very old but most of them very well preserved. Area around looks great, such a beautiful spots can be found in many mountain valleys across the Norway.


It is possible to rent a room there but I am sure it must be booked loong time before the season starts.
Green roofs of the cottages and the mountains in back are fantastic motive for photos.


Walking further up the path we are reaching quite big Turist shelter - Innerdalshytta. In the area we can see couple of old, big, wooden buildings, which also provide rooms for the visitors and a place to set up a tent by the smaller lake.


From this point we have a great view on Innerdalstårnet mountain. In the turist information spot we can get special equipment to reach the mountain summit - it is not allowed to climb up the mountain without checking in. The path is dangerous and needs a lot of attention. To be honest when I first visit the place - I thought it is impossible to go there up without proper climbing equipment... but it is! All You need to have is a helmet and a harness... and a lot of courage!


In YouTube You can find a movie, where father is climbing up the mountain together with his small children - amazing stuff! I dropped my jaw on the floor... I think this path is not for me...


Going up the path we can turn right reaching the next great place - mountain stream called Fluo - it is falling down the steep rocky hill creating a couple of waterfalls on the way. It is flowing from the upper valley called Flatvaddalen and a lake called Storvatnet.


The rocky surface near the river is really slippy so we have to be careful all the time. One bad step and we can slide 50 meters down.... On the other side of the stream, above, we can see the summit of Skarfjellet mountain (1790m).


Reaching the top after hard climbing up we get a great view on the mountains in other side of Innerdalen - Snofjellet.
Open space of the Flatvaddalen is really beautiful. It is always windy - or maybe I had this luck to be there in such conditions. Just a grassy area, not many single small trees, few water tanks and the biggest - Storvatnet.



This day I had luck to see the lake totally calm - reflections of surrounding Trollheimen mountains were fantastic!
Crystal clear waters, open space among the mountains on both sides and the lake in the middle. I knew it will be great but I was really surprised HOW great it was in reality.


I made a bigger panoramic view to catch the whole scene:


Above the lake we can see the highest peak of Trollheimen mountains - sharp summit called Trolla - 1800 m. By the shores of Storvatnet lake we can find small wooden cabin. It also can be rented but as I know, it is available only for members of norwegian climbing association. Normally closed but in a bad case - can safe somebodys life. We can find some extra stuff below the cabn's floor level.



When golden hour came - it revealed the real beauty of the place... Such light and colours can be seen only during this magical time of the day...



As I remember I was running like crazy with my camera to catch the best light and the best motives... Losing the great amount of my strenght, didn't think about come back....



These photos are one of my favourites! not only from this particular trip but EVER!
I remember the atmosphere that moment, I remember that I knew it is magical and will stay in my mind and memories for a long time, maybe even lifetime...


I waited in the place watching the Innerdalen from above and waiting for the end of the show, to start my journey back to the car... I knew it wont be easy to go after dark, but I took the risk. The light was worth it!


On the way back - last view on the Innerdalshytta turist shelter after sunset... with Skarfjellet mountain in back.


That day I spend around 12 hours in the mountains, I took hundreds of shots, many of them really good, I used 120% of my strenght but after reaching the car for the night - I was so extremely happy and so full with good emotions - indescribable! I drank a beer for the good ending of a great day and better sleep... I knew, that next day, another load of great experiences is waiting for me. Stay tuned for the next part and Day 2 of the journey!


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