Has the ~Flu~ Hit You? Here's What You Can Do...

“There were times when everybody in the house has the flu. You're cleaning up vomit and it's 2 in the morning, and you're wishing there was somebody else there to help you.”
– Meg Tilly –

It's been a bad season for flu.

Or, maybe more accurately, good for the flu, bad for you.

Many I know have been calling in sick to work. Church pews have been sparsely populated. Two out of six of the members of our weekly church fellowship group were absent last night, and three of the four present had recently recovered from the flu.

Just this morning I was reading an article by Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby in which he cautions readers to resist pharmaceutical proponents' propaganda, pushing palliative pills and promulgating pretentious preventive vaccines for your flu-ey ills. Whew! That was a mouthful! ;)

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Down and Out with the Flu
Image courtesy of Vladislav Muslakov and http://unsplash.com

ABC News, in a recent propaganda piece,

reported that this year's flu vaccine is only 10% effective. You can read and/or view their report here:

"Why the flu shot this year may not protect you".

Only ten percent effective? Say what?

Dr. Scott-Mumby ridicules, I think justifiably so, media pressure to take a flu shot that is admittedly only 10% effective. You can read his article here:

"Flu Season: The Same Hogwash & Fraud…"

He goes on to point out that, even in a good year, flu shots are only 40 to 60 percent effective, and those statistics are questionable. He also warns against the use of Tamiflu, a highly promoted drug that may reduce flu symptoms in some users, but by only less than a day. And at what cost? The possibility of severe side effects.

Many, including myself, are wary of vaccines.

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Flu-Ban, A.K.A. d-Lenolate® Plus Cold and Flu
Original photo by @creatr

In my not-so-humble opinion, the obvious risks of vaccination far outweigh any supposed benefits. Our own Steemian author, @tremendospercy, wrote about these issues six months ago, recommending that we all do our own due-diligence before allowing ourselves or our children to be poked:

"The Flu Vaccination.
- A 'Big Pharma' con job?"

So then, What are we to do about the flu?

Happily, I have a couple of very effective recommendations for you.

Get yourself and your family some Flu-Ban, also known as d-Lenolate® Plus Cold and Flu. These all-natural tablets, primarily based on olive leaf extract, are a brilliant product of East Park Research.

Our son came across this remedy about ten years ago, and I'm here to tell you that it has been a God-send. We always keep several bottles of Flu-Ban at hand, and take a bottle or two with us when we travel. If anyone in the family is stricken with flu, or even feels the onset of symptoms, we start them on Flu-Ban immediately.

Why Flu-Ban?

Because it works! In the past, I've been laid up with flu for many days, sometimes a week at a time. If you've ever had a bad case of the flu, you know that there are times when things are so bad, you might even wish that you'd die, just to escape the pain.

A few years back, the flu struck me without warning. I suddenly found myself projectile vomiting, experiencing severe stomach cramps and pain. I went home and immediately started taking Flu-Ban. Within less than a day, the pain was gone and I was on the way to a full recovery.

I know you're constantly bombarded with information, but I think it will be well worth your while to watch this short video by the manufacturer, explaining how and why Flu-Ban is so effective.

Flu-Ban, A.K.A. d-Lenolate® Plus Cold and Flu

Please know that I'm not a representative of East Park Research and that I have no financial interest in Flu-Ban or any of their other products. I am just an extremely satisfied, life-long customer. And, knowing the pain of the flu, I want to see all my Steemian friends and neighbors benefit from Flu-Ban as well.

Will you take my personal recommendation?

Don't get a flu shot, with its very questionable, 10% to 60% effectiveness and all its associated risks. Get something that works instead. Get Flu-Ban.

Now I'll make one more recommendation.

This is something that I do have a personal interest in, because I invented it, I fabricate it, and I market it.

If you listened to the East Park Research video above, you know that keeping your immune system in tip-top shape is essential to good health. Our product, the SILVERengines proton, enables you to make one of nature's finest antimicrobials at home for a very low cost. The proton makes colloidal silver by diffusing silver ions into distilled water. It does this under microprocessor control in a fully-automated, "set it and forget it" process.

You can read all about it at our website, http://SILVERengines.com, and you can also access a special offer by clicking on our banner ad below. Colloidal silver can be purchased ready made, for example from Amazon, but if you have a SILVERengines proton you can make your own at a far lower cost.

NOTE: We will accept Steem in payment for a proton - just contact me to arrange an exchange.

The SILVERengines proton Colloidal Silver Maker

How should you use colloidal silver?

If you consume a small amount of colloidal silver on a daily basis, the silver ions in your body will take a load off of your immune system, helping you to maintain a greater resistance against colds and flus and making you less susceptible to them. Silver has many other benefits, and is safer and more effective than most pharmaceutical antibiotics. It is one of the few antibiotics with a track record of curing MRSA infections.

There you have it, friends.

Beat the flu this season, and in the future, with Flu-Ban and colloidal silver.


LOOK! Check out our amazing product:
Introducing: The SILVERengines proton - Image by @creatr

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