When does a myth become truth? Pt 2 - Mohenjo-daro a city 'nuked' in antiquity?


Something very strange happened in the distant past.

The biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah is a fascinating tale which tells of two cities destroyed in what could be interpreted as a 'nuclear event', now whether or not that is true is open to speculation but there are certainly places that could potentially fit the bill when you consider the alleged destruction.


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The bible states:


(Genesis 18:20; 19: 24-26.28)
24 Then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah—from the Lord out of the heavens. 25 Thus, he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, destroying all those living in the cities—and also the vegetation in the land. 26 But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.

27 Early the next morning Abraham got up and returned to the place where he had stood before the Lord. 28 He looked down toward Sodom and Gomorrah, toward all the land of the plain, and he saw dense smoke rising from the land, like smoke from a furnace.


Ok, so put aside any religious beliefs you may have for a moment and think about the text. "The Lord rained down burning sulphur", what could that be in reality to cause that scale do destruction? Some kind of weapon? Missiles or bombs? Think about that we'll come back to it shortly.

I do not personally subscribe to any religion but that doesn't mean I have no interest in the Holy books and scriptures. In Fact the opposite is true, as far as I'm concerned they are historical accounts of the distant past that in many cases have been misinterpreted. There is an assumption by most scholars that our current paradigm is the most advanced that has ever existed on this planet, I don't subscribe to that assumption.
Looking at the events written in the Bible, Torah, Koran, Popul vuh, the Veda's and other religious works with a modern perspective is interesting.

I don't dismiss any religion or faith as that would be ignorant, faith is personal.

Getting back to the the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

I've always been fascinated by this story as it was one recounted to me as a child as a way of (I assume) of helping me understand that living a non virtuous life had consequences. It failed in that respect as we all have to make our mistakes as those who came before us however the account of horrific destruction always intrigued me.
That was some cataclysmic destruction recounted right there!

Which segways nicely to Mohenjo-daro.

Mohenojo-daro is situated in the province of Sindh in modern day Pakistan and the name translates to 'Mound of the Dead Men'. The city was part of the Harrapan civilisation, was built around 2500BC and was rediscovered in the 1920's. The other major city is this particular civilisation was Harrapa, but in this post I am going to focus solely on Mohenjo-daro.


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Interesting but not really anything out of the ordinary you may say, but wait there is a lot more to this story than a city lost in time.

Mohenjo-daro may have been destroyed by an atomic powered weapon!

Don't leave, I'm not insane honest. Stick around it's an interesting story.

The following article from Ancient-Origins titled The Mohenjo-daro 'Massacre' is very interesting as it not only explains what mainstream archeaologists have concluded but delves into the radiation anomalies found at the site. Something very different to what we're being told happened here occurred all those centuries ago.


Evidence of Atomic War?
There exist a growing number of ‘alternative archaeologists’ and researchers who have not settled for theories that do not satisfactorily explain the conditions of the skeletal remains and who have sought other explanations. One such individual is David Davenport, British Indian researcher, who spent 12 years studying ancient Hindu scripts and evidence at the site where the great city once stood. In his book Atomic Destruction in 2000 B.C. he reveals some startling findings: the objects found at the site appeared to be fused, glassified by a heat as high as 1500°C, followed by a sudden cooling. Within the city itself there appeared to be an ‘epicentre’ about 50 yards wide within which everything was crystallized, fused or melted, and sixty yards from the center the bricks are melted on one side indicating a blast. A. Gorbovsky in his book Riddles of Ancient History , reported the discovery of at least one human skeleton in the area with a level of radioactivity approximately 50 times greater than it should have been due to natural radiation. Davenport claimed that what was found at Mohenjo Daro corresponded exactly to what was seen at Nagasaki and Hiroshima.


Mohenjo-daro now.


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That is obviously not the only source of this information, this artcle called........
Atomic Bomb Destroyed City 4000 Years Ago explains how the site has evidence of an horrific cataclysm scientifically difficult to explain other than through a blast of atomic proportions and how the evidence at the site links to the ancient histories written and guarded by Indian scholars in the Mahabharata .


What was found at the site of Mohenjo Daro corresponds exactly to Nagasaki, declared Davenport, who published his startling findings in an amazing book, "Atomic Destruction in 2000 B.C.", Milan, Italy, 1979.

There was an epicenter about 50 yards wide where everything was crystallized, fused or melted, he said.
Sixty yards from the center the bricks are melted on one side indicating a blast. the horrible, mysterious event of 4,000 years ago that leveled Mohenjo Daro was recorded in an old Hindu manuscript called the Mahabharata, which has been guarded by holy men for centuries:
White hot smoke that was a thousand times brighter than the sun rose in infinite brilliance and reduced the city to ashes, the account reads. Water boiled...horses and war chariots were burned by the thousands.. . the corpses of the fallen were mutilated by the terrible heat so that they no longer looked like human beings...
The description concludes:
it was a terrible sight to see ... never before have we seen such a ghastly weapon.


A ghastly weapon!.

What could it have been? The ancient writings of the Mahabharta speak of the Gods using futuristic weapons and using flying machines called Vimanas. Were they recording what they saw or just making up unbelievably accurate depictions of the future?
Below is another snippet of an article by Phillip Coppins on the subject and another quote from the Marabharta.


With the apparent discovery of this radiated area, parallels were quickly drawn to the Mahabharata, the Indian epic, which indeed speak of doom and destruction. It reads:

... (it was) a single projectile
Charged with all the power of the Universe.
An incandescent column of smoke and flame
As bright as the thousand suns
Rose in all its splendour...

...it was an unknown weapon,
An iron thunderbolt,
A gigantic messenger of death,
Which reduced to ashes
The entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas.

...The corpses were so burned
As to be unrecognisable.
The hair and nails fell out;
Pottery broke without apparent cause,
And the birds turned white.

After a few hours
All foodstuffs were infected...
....to escape from this fire
The soldiers threw themselves in streams
To wash themselves and their equipment.

Whereas the story of the Mahabharata is indirect evidence, the archaeological discoveries in India pose serious problems for those trying to deny the possibility that this might indeed be evidence of ancient atomic warfare. Whereas believing in the existence of Atlantis or a highly advanced civilisation that might not have left any trace is one thing, to suggest that our ancestors might have wiped themselves out along the same lines we were in fear of accomplishing during the latter half of the 20th century is a major paradigm shift.


They even described weapons in incredible detail, they were called Brahmastra take a look, they sound eerily like modern day weapons.
And the depictions of the battles are so incredible it's hard to believe a culture from so far back in antiquity could just make it all up without inspiration.


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Battles taking place in the sky, flying palaces, futuristic rocket type weapons, an ancient city destroyed by something that created temperatures in excess of 1500°C, what was going on to prompt these stories or histories as the Hindu scholars proclaim them to be?
As I stated in Part 1 of this series The lost city of Dwarka. western academia has a frustratingly arrogant attitude when it comes to the locally written accounts of the history of the Indian sub-continent, who better to record the events than the people themselves.
In the case of Dwarka you had a 'mythical city' written about in these very same scriptures dismissed as fantasy that turned out to be real, is it so hard to believe that some of the other accounts are true a also?

I'm not saying these stories are true verbatim however the circumstantial evidence suggesting something extraordinary happened at Mohenjo-daro is compelling, add to that the incredibly descriptive accounts of alleged events and you have what I think is a very good reason to seriously look at these historical accounts in a whole different light.

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