"Every day is another opportunity to take steps toward our goals." Expressing my thoughts - Motivational Post 2

Picture taken at Hotel Lav Split, Croatia.

Just expressing my thoughts...

No matter what goals we want to reach in our life's there are a certain amount of steps we have to walk in order to do so. Someday's everything will go as planned, and we will make these steps feeling light on our legs. But, sometimes it will feel like we have two cement blocks wrapped around our legs, and even moving an inch would be a success.

Because it is easy to move our legs and make steps forward when we are light. The true challenge starts when the legs are heavy and slow. That is the time when we will be tested mentally, and physically. But guess what? That only means we are incredibly close to our goal, but life is not going to give it to us without a fight.

We have to earn it, and we have to take it...

So there will be days where those cement blocks will make us fall, and even take several steps backward. Sometimes life makes us take steps back, but I believe it is always for a reason. It is to tell us we need to try harder and in some cases smarter next time. Sometimes we can't do it just by working harder but finding a way to do it smarter. We have to think about why we were sent several steps back?There is always a reason for it. From my personal experience usually, the first thought which comes to my mind when thinking about it is the reason for taking steps back. It's is not about life being unfair, but rather about life telling us this is what we need to do in order to reach our goal.

Even if we truly want something with all our heart life can make us take several steps back. But it can never stop us from getting up, and try again. Staying down, or getting up will always be our CHOICE. So my friends let just make a deal with taking the steps no matter how heavy our legs get, and no matter how many steps we take backward. Let's get up, get stronger, keep believing in our goals, and keep trying and trying again. Sooner than later we will break those "cement blocks", and together make final steps to our goals.

Let's keep making those steps together my friends. Every day is another opportunity. Who is with me? :)

I don't expect everybody to agree with all that is written here, but if you have an argument please write in the comment section in a civilized way. I will be happy to reply. See you guys in the comment section.

Have an amazing day all,


For this kind of posts, I will be using my own hashtag called #dbexpressingmythoughts. Just in case you like what I am writing about I will post links to my previous motivational post under here:




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