Congrats to @bohemian.machine for winning the September 29 Twenty Four Hour Short Story Contest

Hey Everyone!

Okay, first things first.  Hardfork 20 messed with us badly this week.  I'm still irritated at how poorly it went down.  It kept the contest from getting as many entrents as usual.  I've seen other people that run contests complaining about the lack of interaction as we would normally get.

Also I apologize if I missed any resteems or upvotes. I was one of many that couldn't upvote or even interact with Steemit for for several days.  Really throws things into a bind.

Now, having said that.  This weeks entries were solid from top to bottom.  Seriously, every entry was well written and solid.  I may give out a little steem later to those that didn't get the top three prizes.  If you didn't get a prize please keep submitting.

Okay so let's get to it:

Five Steem to  bohemian.machine for Us and Them where the military have to deal with the most dangerous  terrorists.

Three Steem to  deadmoonwrites for Ten Years to Outsmart a Madman an interesting idea of being able to breath on the moon without a suit.  Very cool.

One Steem to  iamthegray for Hanging by the Neck definitely the most literary entry this week. Glad to have gray back. Solid entry.

Other entries this week.

 dranuvar with Darkside, dranuvar is new to the contest and I hope he submits more work.  He ends this entry on a nice cliffhanger.

 nobyeni with The Prison on the Dark Side, she is almost the queen of Flash fiction. The contest asks for no more than 2000 words, but she consistently can tell a story in less than 300 words. Solid entry here.

 gaby-crb with A Death Sentence tells the story of Tessa and her sibiling that is sent to the dark side of the moon.

 seesladen with Castaway tells of an attempted escape from the prison. 

medusaeffect with The Dark Side  tells the story of Clawson who is a regular prison escape artist.

Thank you again!  Fewer entries this week, but seriously I recommend all entries just solid writing.

People seem to be posting again, so I will post a new contest later tonight.

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