Congrats to @foxfiction for winning the May 9 Twenty-four Short story contest--plus other additional winners

Twenty-four hour short story contest May 9 entries

This contest has some wonderful entries. 

We had a grand total of 13 stories. No make that 14, I miss counted on the original of this post.  Awesome.

Congrats to  foxfiction for winning 5 Steem, for his very creepy idea of a smart home being in love and a little jealous.  Check out the story Skin.

Congrats to  dirge for winning 3 Steem for his story Neurograft. 

I also gave out more Steem this week because we just had some solid entries and thanks to extra participation I can give out more Steem!

 cizzo got 1 Steem for his story Dirty Dishwasher. It's almost NSFW for work.  But the idea of people being in love with their dishwasher is just fascinating.

And 1 Steem to  iamthegray for his story In His Image.  Seriously foll0w iamthegray, I am a little jealous of how young and talented he is.

Other Entries:

I wish I was wealthy enough to give away more, but hopefully upvotes and resteems helped.  But here are the other entries.  Please check them out and toss them an upvote.

And I apologize to  pelusa for not including their story of More Human in the first draft of this post, which tells the story of Nina and her robot creation and its role as protector in the military.

 agmoore tells the story of Ophelia who is assigned to help at a party.

 calluna tells the story of Katja who maybe watching her humans a little too closely.

 dbzfan4awhile writes dialog very deftly.  Maggy is a robot that assists on a space mission.

 squirezed tells the story of Forte who is the fourteenth robot made by the father of the family.

 newyorkfever tells the story of Terra whose creator forgets that she is not human.

 marie-jay her story Sweet Elsie, debates the idea of sex with a robot.

 azension tells a very cool alternative history story about how we developed AI.  Lesson here is, you don't always need to go to the future to tell of fanastic things.  You can just change the past.

 nobyeni tells a wonderful fantasy in Love Please.  Check it out.

 diebitch has the shortest story this week.  Check it out to see why.

Thank you to everyone who entered.  If you entered and I missed putting it in this curation post, leave a link in the comments and I will update the post.

Please check out and upvote the others in the contest.  Let's try and support each other.  If you like a story leave a comment on that person's post.

Thanks everyone

New contest should be up Sunday evening.

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