Congrats to @seesladen for winning the April 10 Twenty-four hour short story contest

Entries for the April 10th Twenty-four hour Short story contest 

Sorry for being late on this, it's been a busy week.

Thanks to everyone who submitted an entry.  This is getting harder to judge.  I wish I had more Steem to give out. 

This week I gave out rewards to new entrants who came at this in an unexpected way.

First place went to  seesladen for her story The Ferl

Second place went to  dirge  for his horror story Meal time

Other entries:

These other entries are definitely worth your time as well.

 iamthegray has a solid entry as always.  If you're not already follow his. Check out his post The Mutant Rabbit.

 henry-gant does the dialog of a seven year old very well, in his post.

Check out  jadams2k18 post about Cindy.

 eaglespirit writes about an only child and their need for a pet.  My daughter is an only child, so that caught my attention. Check out her post about Mary.

 sweetjoy  writes about a baby sitter that baby sits for the alcohol available.  Check out her post Stripes.

 cheekah writes about a little girl that is accused as a killer?  Why is that? Check out her post Heaven's Gift.

 patriot I think wins for best picture to go with their story. Check out his blob fish and his post A Creature from Out of Town.

 blog-beginner posted his first fiction post with this contest.  Check out his post Sally and Arpito and encourage him to write more.

 tiempoyesp has a great post about visiting grandma and finding a tiger. What a great combination. Check it out, What Elsa Wants.

I definitely read all entries, but if I missed putting one hear in this post, let me know and I'll update.

I think that is cool.  We seem to be developing a small but active community around this.  Thanks everyone.

Thanks, Martin 

New contest up very soon!

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