News & Updates on @steem-ua & UA-API!

News & Updates on @steem-ua & UA-API!


Wowzers! What a week it's been for UA, @steem-ua and UA-API! After publishing our Intro Post last Sunday, both the @steem-ua Discord Server as well as my own (@scipio) DM inbox became "pretty crowded", (which is kind of an understatement even)!

Before introducing, we had our hopes up that the UA Introduction would be well received. But this... we are truly humbled with the overwhelming attention and support we have gotten thus far from many-many-many people from the Steem Community. Thank you all for your support and engagement!!!

In this post, the second one posted via our new @steem-ua account, we'll talk about several exciting updates and some news on @steem-ua and the UA-API. Here we go!

@steem-ua, our Algorithmic Curation Program using UA data

After a few test-voting rounds, since last Sunday (August 26 2018) @steem-ua began using its algorithmic curation & upvoting mechanism with @steem-ua SP Delegators only. Since all types of content are welcome on @steem-ua, and because we cannot upvote every possible post published via the Steem Blockchain, we decided to let the @steem-ua bot curate, score & upvote posts published by @steem-ua SP delegators:

SP DelegationSponsor Benefits & Upvote Frequency
25 SPmax. 1 @steem-ua upvote per week
50 SPmax. 2 @steem-ua upvotes per week
100 SPmax. 4 @steem-ua upvotes per week
250 SPmax. 7 @steem-ua upvotes per week
>= 5,000 SPStake-Based Sponsor Rewards + max. 7 @steem-ua upvotes per week

PS1: delegation requirements could be subject to change, we'll then post about that prior to changes being applied.
PS2: @steem-ua reserves the right to reject upvoting accounts demonstrating abusive behavior.

If you want to participate on delegating STEEM POWER to @steem-ua, either to get your own content curated & upvoted, and/or to enter the additional "high-SP @steem-ua Sponsor Rewards Program", and/or if you simply want to support us and give more powerful upvotes to those accounts that deserve a juicy upvote to their magnificent contributions, here are some

Quick Delegation Links:
25 SP | 50 SP | 100 SP | 250 SP |
500 SP | 1,000 SP | 2,500 SP |
5,000 SP

@steem-ua is very quickly rising on the SP Delegation ladder!

What's happening with the SP Delegations that @steem-ua is empowered with, is - to my knowledge at least - never seen before at this scale and this fast on the Steem Blockchain. Shy under 6 days of being "LIVE", these are the top-15 Delegatee Accounts ranked by their number of delegators, at the time of writing this post:

#accountnumber of delegatorsdelegated SP

Holy Macaroni! Coming from nowhere, being "LIVE" for only 6 days, having published 1 Intro Post before, you guys have now TurboBoosted @steem-ua to be the #5 most delegated account on the Steem Blockchain!!! YEAH!
That is nothing short of AMAZING! One can only wonder: Exactly how many accounts will eventually delegate to @steem-ua to empower its Algorithmic Curation Program to support @steem-ua, themselves and eachother? Will you also help us to get #1? Please do so!

BTW: you can see who's delegating what to @steem-ua by checking our website Delegators Page here:

Updates on @steem-ua's Algorithmic Curation

After talking to several people, including @paulag who has been working on her own Steem Contribuion Score, we decided to incorporate the level of user engagement in our own algorithmic curation model. Our new and improved formula, which includes scoring a post's user engagement to ultimately compute our upvote with, is now like this:

UA_Vote = x * UA_Account + y * UA_Post + z * UA_Comment

To explain things simple:

  • the higher your own account's UA score, and
  • the better the votes on your post, computed by all post voters' UA scores, and
  • the more interaction on your post via the comments
    ... the more powerful our upvote to your post!

"Smart Comments" System added to @steem-ua's Bot

Earlier today, in the last voting round, we introduced our new "Smart Comments" System: as we are constantly trying to improve everything we do, why not add some useful info in our comments, right after evaluating content and voting on it?

Starting today, @steem-ua is, via the SmartComments, trying to help you improve:

  • how to get more followers,
  • get more people reading your post,
  • get more and higher upvotes from other accounts,
  • more and better interaction / user engagement on your content,
  • and ultimately a higher upvote from us as well!

UA-API, our Data Providing Service for UA Registered Partners

Many people representing other dApps, Promotional Services, Communities, External Crypto Assets integrating with STEEM for Airdrops, and others, have contacted us over the past few days to request for access on UA-API. Due to the overwhelming level of attention, interest and support, and the many questions that come with it, we tried our best to help each and everyone asgood as we could!

Documentation of UA-API Methods on our website

We've added a few API Request Methods already, and documented its usage on our website. In case you're interested to learn more, have a look at Of course, the methods documented there, are only the beginning: we plan to implement more functionality and upscale the speed and responsiveness of our UA-API as we progress.

Partnership with (@smartsteem)

@therealwolf, Founding father of Smartsteem contacted us almost immediately after having published our Intro Post regarding integration with UA-API. Smartsteem is an investment and promotion-service for the Steem blockchain, doing so in a sustainable and ethical manner. Implementing UA_Account scores right into Smartsteem's system, both enhances the experience of valid Smartsteem users as well as providing a quality metric to Smartsteem's investors. We're happy to integrate UA with Smartsteem, and improve together!

Partnership with @utopian-io

Having "invented" UA originally for @utopian-io as being the "Utopian Advisor" at the time, integrating UA-API at @utopian-io's own voting algorithm is of course only natural. Therefore we're proud to present the following partnership with @utopian-io:

  • Utopian will integrate with UA-API asap, and is looking to do so at its forthcoming Hackathon later this month (September 2018). We've been told there will be bounties even, so be sure - when you're interested - to prove your skills and integrate it!
  • @utopian-io and @steem-ua have the same "roots", which from now on translates into @utopian-io delegating a hefty amount of SP to @steem-ua and @steem-ua will also algorithmically curate & upvote approved Utopian contributions even when the contributors are not delegating to @steem-ua themselves! (Of course every Utopian Contributor is still very very welcome to delegate to @steem-ua !)

UA, Steem User Authority: Use Your Influence!

Visit our website - View your UA score

Quick Delegation Links:
25 SP | 50 SP | 100 SP | 250 SP |
500 SP | 1,000 SP | 2,500 SP |
5,000 SP

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